SIXTY·EIGH'I`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 264. 1924. 425 superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, not exceeding $8,400 for maintenance of the road in the forest reserve leading out of the park from the east boundary, not exceeding $7,500 or maintenance of the road in the forest reserve leading out of the park from the south boundary, and including feed for buffalo and other animals and salaries of buifalo keepers, $336,800; for construction of physical improvements, $36,000, including not exceeding $25,000 for a sewer system at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone not exceeding $10,000 for auto camps, and not exceeding $1,200 for the construction of buildings; in all, $37 2,800. Yosemite National Park, California: For administration, pro- Y°°°“‘i°°• Cm tection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,100 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work not exceeding $3,200 for maintenance of that part of the Wawona Road in the Sierra National Forest between the park boundary two miles north of Wawona and the park boundary near the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees, and not exceeding $2,000 for maintenance of the road in the Stanislaus National Forest connecting the Tioga Road with Mather Station on the Hetch Hetchy Railroad, $229,000; for construction of physical improvements, $80,000, including not exceeding $25,000 for completion of installation of flush toilets and waste hoppers in public camps, not exceeding $10,000 for the installation of a garbage incinerator, and not exceeding $9,500 for the completion of the installation of an administrative unit at Tuolumne Meadows and the erection of ranger stations at Alder Creek and Bridal Veil stations on the Wawona Road and El Capitan Station on the Big Oak Flat Road; in all $309,000. Zion National Park, Utah: For administration, protection, main- z*°”· Umtenance, and improvement, $15,190. National monuments: For administration, protection, mainte- Nntinnnl mannnance, preservation, and improvement of the national monuments, m°°”‘ $20,750, of which the sum of $5,000 shall be immediately available for construction of physical improvements of Carlsbad Cave Na- C”""‘“* C"°· tional Monument. R For reconstruction, replacement, and repair of roads, trails. by¤i¤°:i·°li°¤°»¤1Zi{•:°¤a°€•ii bridges, buildin , and other physical improvements in national parks or nationafsmonuments that are damaged or destroyed by flood, $re, storm, or other unavoidable causes, during the fiscal year 1925, 20 000. _ Fighting forest tires in national parks: For fightirlilg forest fires F"°°"“‘°'°“° °'°°‘ in nationa {parks or other areas administered by the ational Park Service, or res that endanger such areas, and for replacing buildings or other physical improvements that have been destroyed lily _ forest fires within such areas, $20,000: Provided, That these fun s Limit .,,3 ,,,.,_ shall not be used for any precautionary tire protection or patrol work prior to actual occurrence of the tire: And provided further, Ammem 0,,,,, M That the allotment of these funds to the various national parks in<=¤1rr¢d¤b1i•s¤¤i¤nS· or areas administered by the National Park Service for fire-lighting purposes shall be made b the Secretary of the Interior, and then only after the obligation fyor the expenditure has been incurred, and Mmmm m)m_ the Secretary of the Interior shall submit with his annual estimate pmuema, p° of expenditures a report showing the location, size, and description of each forest tire, together with the number of men, their classification, and rate of pay and actual time employed, and a statement of expenditures showing the cost for labor, supplies, special service, gggldpther expenses covered by the expenditures made from these