SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 37-39. 1924. 15 Src. 2. That paragraph 3 of section 15 of Title I of the War ,6;~(§ggid&*i°¤tim°°X· Finance Corporation Act, as amended, be amended by striking out V¤1.` 42, p. 148l, at the beginning of said paragraph the words " beginning April 1, am°"d°d` 1924,” a’nd inserting in lieu thereof the words “ beginning January 1 1925} . ’ Src. 3. That paragraph 4 of said section 15 be amended by strik— xIi$ii°s1i2°jmf,IidSi4si, ing out at the beginning of said paragraph the words “After April °“°°“d°d· 1, 1924," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "After January 1, 1925.” Sec. 4. That the corporation may from time to time, through re- ,,,*;‘§§‘,€' ,,§°‘§,§§§,,§§ newals, substitutions of new obligations, or otherwise, extend the g¤;tS¤g;;¤¤1t¤mi P¤><1· time of payment of any advance made under authority conferred in v§1._4é,;p. isa. section 24 of the \Var Finance Corporation Act, as amended; but L"'“°*‘“°”‘ the time for the payment of any such advance shall not be extended beyond January 1, 1926, if such advance was originally made on or before January 1, 1923, or beyond three years from the date upon which such advance was originally made, if such advance was originally made after January 1, 1923. Approved, February 20, 1924. CHAP. 38.—An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois F?i¤T°§¥.§i7{?%' and the State of Iowa, or either of them, to construct a. bridge across the Mississippi River connecting the county of Whiteside, Illinois, and the county of Clinton, Iowa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Missmp imm United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent nmosaiaiowanay of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Illinois and the State l§§§l%‘? R-°§E,°i’§,f°°;L}i'{Q of Iowa, or either of them, to construct, maintain, and operate a me C““*°“»I°“’°· bridge and approaches thereto across the Mississippi River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the western terminus of the Lincoln Highway in the county of Whiteside, Illinois, and the eastern terminus of the Lincoln Highway in the county of Clin- commcaou, ton, Iowa, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An V°'·?“‘·P·’“· Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March 23, 1906. _,,mm,m,,,,,_ Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend. or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserve . Approved, February 20, 1924. CHAP. 39.—·Joint Resolution Directing the Secretary of the Interior to insti— tute proceedings touching sections 16 and 36, township 30 south, range 23 east, Mount Diablo meridian. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives og the Y al il United States of America in Congress assembled, That the ecre· ciuiv r°?°ms’· tary of‘the Interior be, and he hereby is, directed forthwith to insti- ,0P',§f,‘§,°,§{§,§s §§‘;"“’,§} tute proceedings to assert and establish the title of the United States Ugigd S¢·*4¤S¢¤~ to sections 16 and 36, township 30 south, range 23 east, Mount e’p`°` Diablo meridian, within the exterior limits of naval reserve numbered 1 in the State of California, and the President of the United S _ _ I t States is hereby authorized and directed to employ special counsel am£$$·iilal°L°s°’° °" to prosecute such proceedings and any suit or suits ancillary thereto or necessary or desirable to arrest the exhaustion of the 011 within said sections 16 and 36 pending such proceedings. Approved, February 21, 1924. 45822°—25t--4