SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 266. 1924. 435 penses, $210,000, .as follows: Alaska, $69,500; Hawaii, $53,000; ·*¤°*¤¤¤¤°¤- liorto Rico, $50,000; Guam, $15,000, and the Vir `n Islands of the United States, $22,500; and the Secretary of glgriculture is au- S¤*°°'P¤>¤¤·=¤· thorized to_ sell such products as are obtained on the land belonging to_ the agricultural experiment~ stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the island of Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the amount obtained from the sale thereof shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts: Provekded, _That of the sum herein appropriated for the P'°°‘-*°· expernnent station in Hawaii $10,000 may be used in agricultural wgéwm °’°°°°i°” extension work in Hawaii. nxrmwsron smzvicm. Extension smite. Salaries: For chief of office and other ersonal services in the S°f1§*f'·¤¤d°m°¤P¤f· District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of e` 1923, $190,000. GENERAL EXPENSES, EXTENSION SERVICE. General expenses. For farmers’ cooperative demonstration work, including special d,§,°§,'fg{,'§Q,°§,§"§,?,§§,§{°“ suggestions of plans and methods for more effective dissemination of the results of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment stations and of im roved methods of agricultural practice, at farmers’ institutes andp in agricultural instruction, and for the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, supplies, and all other necessary e enses, $1,307,940: Provided, 'That the expense of such service shallqbe defrayed from veimzéign mumbathis appropriation and such cooperative funds as may be voluntarily f,{’,,‘Q,“m‘§ “ *’*““’ contribute by State, count , and municipal agencies, associations of farmers, and individual fyarmers, universities, colleges, boards of trade chambers of commerce, other local associations of business men, business organizations, and individuals within the State. __ For cooperative agricultural extension work, to be allotted, paid, ¤;},‘l,‘}',§,"?,§‘,*lQ,,, ,‘$‘§,°Q‘{"' and expended in the same manner, upon the same terms and conditions, and under the same supervision as the additional appropria- V°‘·’”·¤·3'”· tions made by the Act of May 8, 1914 (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, page 372), entitled "An Act to provide or cooperative agricultura extension work between the agricultural co leges in the several States receiving the benefits of an Act of Congress apgoved July 2, 1862, and of Acts supplementary thereto, and the nited Pl _ States De artment of Agricu ture," $1,300,000; and all sums ap- ¤,,,,.T““ °' °“’°“°" propriated) b this Act for use for demonstration or extension work wit in any State shall be used and expended in accordance with plans mutuall agreed upon by the Secretary of Agriculture and the proper officials of the college in such State whic receives the bene ts of said Act of May 8, 1914: Provided, That of the above mm. appropriation not more than $300,000 shall be expended for pur- C°“"°""’“°" poses other than salaries of county agents. im, mm , To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make suitable agri- ,,{§€’m, ml cultural exhibits at State, interstate, and international fairs held within the United States; for the purchase of necessary supplies and equipment; for telephone and telegraplh service, freight an express charges; for travel, and for every other expense necessary, including the employment of assistance in or outside the city of Wash- 1n§,on, $99,880. · _ _ _ _ or general administrative expenses connected with the Extension m{§;"“""‘““ °" Service and for miscellaneous expenses incident thereto, $13,500. Total, office of the Secretary o Agriculture, $6,712,343.