SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 266. 1924. 439 ditions to buildings absolutely necessary to carry on experiments, including the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, cooperative investigations of the dair industry in the various States, and inspection of renovated-butter ihctories, $386,600; _ For all necessary expenses for investigations and experiments in $$,"&§'§1g31“E§`:,`i§i,g, animal husbandry; for experiments in animal feeding and breeding, °‘°-·°*P°'*'”°°‘°· including cooperation with the State agricultural experiment stations, including repairs and additions to and erection of buildings absolutely necessary to carry on theexpieriments, including the employment of labor in the cit of Was ington and elsewhere, rent outside of the District of Cbliunbia and all other necessary expenses, $295,440: Provided, That of the sum thus appropriated {,"0f[f;;;
- 55,640 may be used for experiments in poultry feeding and breed- . t
ing: Provided gurther, That of the sum thus appro riated $8,000 se·§iZ¤°i,°1I.iani§l°°°m°° is made availa le for the erection of necessary buildings at the United States sheep experiment station in Clark County, Idaho, to furnish facilities for the investigation of roblems pertaining to the sheep and wool industry on the farms andp ranges of the Western mms I me . _ States: rovided further That of the above appropriation not more Mig at riigtoexvizui- . than $1,000 shall be used for the urpose of finrnishing medals to P°S“i°“· be distributed by the Secretary of ggnculture to exhibitors showing champion and first-prize winners at the International Livestock Exposition to be held at Chica , Illinois, in December, 1924, with the view of stimulating livesting production along purebred lines and to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary 0 this great international exposition; m_ For all necessary expenses for scientific investigations in diseases vatmam, of animals, including the maintenance and improvement of the bureau experiment station at Bethesda, Maryland, and the necessary alterations of buildings thereon, and the necessary egenses for investigations of tuberculin, serums, antitoxins, an analogous prod- PMN ucts, $118,000: Provided, That of said sum $40,000 mag be used for c¤¤a»gi¤¤S abortion researches concerning the cause, modes of spread, an methods of °‘°"*"““· treatmlgnt and prevention of the disease of contagious abortion of amma ; m_ For investigating the disease of hog cholera, and for_its control iiii$3°E§i¤¤S, amor eradication by such means as may be necessary, includugg demon- °°“'““°°’· °‘°‘ strations, the formation of organizations, and other meth s, either independently or in cooperation with farmers’ associations, State MW or county authorities, $404,000: Provided, That of said sum $105,000 nmming mae an shall be available for expenditure in carrying out the provisions °°{,",f,‘{‘,‘§§‘,‘}f‘2,',5‘f‘°‘ of the Act approved March 4, 1913, regulating the preparation, sale barter, exchange, or shipment of apjy virus, serum, tox1n,_ or analogous product manufactured in the nited States and the importation of such roducts intended for use in the treatment of do- Pmmlcgxc al W mestic animals: Pliovided further, That of said sum $25,000 shall searches. be available for researches concerning the cause, modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention of this disease; Dmmmmmtiom For all necessary expenses for the investigation, treatment, and eradication of dourine, $40,240; _ . rh For general administrative work, including traveling expenses ·““‘“"°"“"°`°° and salaries of employees engaged in such work, rent outside of the District of Columbia, office fixtures and supplies, ex ress, freight, telegraph, telephone, and other necessary expenses, $§ ,886; In all, general expenses, $5,782,766. mar msriwrrox. M°"° i“’°°°°°°‘ For additional expenses in carrying out the fprovisions of the $gl.34.DP.67l4,1%0. Meat Inspection Act of June 30, 1906 (Thirty- ourth Statutes at