SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 266. 1924. 441 and elsewhere, in cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations, or individuals as he may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, and in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture no expenditures shall be made for these pur oses °°¤"“’“’*°¤¤ until a sum or sums at least equal to such expenditures shall liiave mq ` been appropriated, subscribed, or contributed by States, county or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations for the accom- 1,,,,,,,,, plishment of such purposes, $328,480: Provided, That no part of this No perfor destroyed appropriation shall be used to pa the cost or value of trees or tr°°s’°°°' other property injured or destroyed; For the investigation of diseases of cotton, potatoes, truck crops, .ig?$$ri1°k °r°°°’ forage crops, drug and related plants, $124,740; C lm h _ For investigating the physiology of crop plants and for testing ologlxp P t P N and breeding varieties thereof, $68,120; Son , I t For soil-bacteriology and plant—nutrition investigations, including °°gy’° °` the testing of samples, procured in the open market, of cultures for inoculating legumes, and if any such samples are found to be im- Publishin tem of pure, nonviable, or misbranded, the results of the tests may be ub- cuimm. B lished, together with the names of the manufacturers and ofp the persons by whom the cultures were offered for sale, $52,510; Sailmmw For so1 -fertility investigations into organic causes of infertility ` and remedial measures, maintenance of productivity, properties, and composition of soil humus, and the transformation and formation of soil humus by soil organisms, $48,600; For acclimatization and adaptation investigations of cotton, corn, ,c,f°{°f’,1lt,‘§’{g,Ei§{@‘F °'°"' and other crops introduced from tropical regions, and for the improvement of cotton and other fiber plants by cultural methods, reeding, and selection, and for determining the feasibility of in- H°¤““’°'$~ creasing the production of hard fibers outside of the continental _ United States, $185,450: Provided, That not more than $7,500 of 5{,°{Z’,'§§;s,,.,d mm. this sum may be used for ex eriments in cottonseed interbreeding: b*’°°di°¤· Provided further, That of this sum $50,000 may be used for ex- p,§¤{Q’b°' ¥"°‘*“°*“¥ plorations, research, and field experiments relating to potential ruber-producing plants; For the investigation, testinlg, and improvement of plants yielding D’°¤"°°"·· °‘°· drugs, spices, poisons, oils, an related products and by-products an for general ph siological and fermentation investigations $41 860; For crop technological investigations, including the study of plant- m‘§§§,d§f"‘“°*°‘Y’ infesting nematodes, $49,000; For studying and testing commercial seeds, including the testing °°”‘”;‘{‘§‘°' ’°°"’· of sam les of seeds of grasses, clover, or alfalfa, and lawn-grass seeds '¤‘••¢i¤¤ ¤¤¤¤v¤¤¤· M- secured) in the open market, and where such samples are found to be pdultlerated { ngsbranded tpe lresults of th; tes? shaglbe pugished, oterwittenamesotepersons ywom esee were! .i oiiiied for sale, and for carrying out the provisions of the Act or mmeisliigaimisiaiiii approved An st 24, 1912, entitled "An Act to regulate foreign com- °‘{;,,]_3»,.,,_ 5,,,, merce by prohibiting the admission into the United States of certain adulterated grain and seeds unfit for seeding purposes " (Thirty- seventh Statutes at Large, page 506), $56,870: Provided, That not to M, Sm, exceed $250 of this amount may be used for meeting the share of the rguugceumss. United States in the expenses of the International Seed Testing Congress in carrying out plans for correlating the work of the various adhering governments on problems relating to seed analysis or other subjects which the congress may determine to be necessary m therinteiest of internationaé seed trade; f IS, I ends or the investi tion an improvement o eerea inc udm` g corn, · M and methods of cgareal production, and for the study and control of hmmm, cereal diseases, including burberry eradication, and for the investigation of the cultivation and breeding of {lax for seed purposes, m- cluding a study of flax diseases, and for the investigation and 1m-