SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 266. 1924. 443 methods of growing stocks, for the purpose of providin American sources of stocks, cuttings, or other propagating materiags, $19,660; _ For continuing the necessary improvements to establish and main- m;§§}§f}§,Y,$,{‘ °"’°'i' tain a general experiment farm and agricultural station on the V°*· 31- P- 133- Arlington estate, in the State of Virginia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved April 18, 1900, $20,000: _ Provelded, That the limitations in this Act as to the cost of farm iiiiixviiigigs. buildings shall not apply to this paragraph; For investigations in foreign seed and plant introduction, includ- p1§¤°fii¤g:}¤a¤i?»ii>¤.°ud ing the study, collection, purchase, testing, propagation, and distribution of rare and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries and from our possessions, and for experiments with reference to their introduction and cultivation in this country, $129,760; For the purchase, propagation, testing, and distribution of new ,0,I§,I§§'p“,,{‘,§i,,,"?,§§2,_’°°°s· and rare seeds; for the investigation and improvement of grasses, alfalfa, clover, and other forage crops, including the investigation _ of the utilization of cacti and other dry—land plants, $119,360: Pro- {»°,Q,°"'i’ch§;,, and dism vided, That of this amount not to exceed $36,600 ma be used for the ¤¤¤°¤· purchase and distribution of such new and rare seeds; For biophysical investigations in connection with the various lines gjgghmcel i¤*’¤S*i· of work herein authorized, $33,952; ga `_ _ _ . For general administrative expenses connected with the above- ,,,,‘§,,%']*“‘st'“°"'° ‘“` mentioned lines of investi ation, including the office of the chief of bureau, the associate chiefg of bureau, the officers in charge of publications, records, supplies, and property, and for miscellaneous expenses incident thereto, $27,660; In all, eneral expenses, $3,098,004. Total, gureau of Plant Industry, $3,687 ,924. ronnsr snnvrcn. Fm mesananms. For the Chief Forester and other personal services in the District °”d of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, and for personal services in the field, $2,500,883. emmaar. mxrmrsss, romzsr smzvrcrz. °°°°'°' °‘¥’°‘*°'°· To enable the Secretary of A iculture to experiment and to make ,_,§$’§§,§,‘¥°°Qj,’°’t,,,‘§{j;; and continue investi ations anglreport on forestry, national forests, S¤¤¤»¤· forest fires, and lumiering, but no part of this appropriation shall be used for an experiment or test made outside the gprisdiction of the United Sytates; to advise the owners of woodlan as to the. proper care of the same; to investigate and test American timber and tim er trees and their uses, and methods for the preservative treatment of timber; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign s ecies, suitable trees for the treeless regions; to _ erect necessary buildings: Provided, That the cost of any building €Qs°?Y,'}‘bu;m,g,_ purchased, erected, or as improved shall not exceed $1,000; to pay ¤,;;Q,’Q;,’g{;°’*°¥ ”“‘ all expenses necessary to protect, administer, and improve the na- ` tional forests, including tree planting in the forest reserves to prevent erosion, drift, surface wash, and soil waste and the formation of Hoods, and including the payment of rewards under regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for information leading to the arrest and conviction for violation of the laws and re lations relatin to fires in or éiear national forests, or for the unilzilwful taliing gg 0}* injury to, overnment property; to ascertain the natura con '- . tions éilpon and utilize the national forests and the Secretary of Sm °! mb"' M Agric ture may, in his discretion, permit timber and other forest