SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 266. 1924. 445 For fighting and preventing forest fires on or threatening the 6,§i¤h“¤¤ '°*°¤* menational forests and for the establishment and maintenance of a ` patrol to prevent trespass and to guard a ainst and check fires upon the lands revested in the United States by the Act approved June V°*·“°» p·218· 9, 1916, and the lands known as the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands (_,,§fQ{,‘§§f jxffgfé involved in the case of Southern Oregon Compan against United 1¤¤¤S.<=¢¤- States (numbered 2711), in the Circuit Court ofy Appeals of the Ninth Circuit, $282,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary: P, . Provided, That not to exceed $25,000 of this amount may be used 1¤sm°iiu¤s¢¤u0¤. by the_ Secretary of Agriculture in meeting emergencies caused by forest insects on national forests, national parks, Indian reservations, or other lands under the ownership or control of the United States; _ For the selection, classification, and segregation of lands within h,,§.‘§I§,,,%2,{ ,,{‘§ the boundaries of national forests that may be opened to homestead settlement and entry under the homestead laws applicable to the national forests; for the examination and appraisal of lands in effecting exchanges authorized b law and for the survey thereof by metes and bounds or otherwise, by employees of the Forest Service, under the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office; _ and for the survey and platting of certain lands, chiefly valuable for ,,u°i'§},',*g;°$“JsY°°" m` agriculture, now listed or to be listed within the national forests, _ V1 under the Act of June 11, 1906 (Thirty-fourth Statutes, page 233), 30Y;gp:g::1?d§5??i}0l.;7; and the Act of March 3, 1899 (Thirtieth Statutes, page 1095), as ¤’~““· provided by the Act of March 4, 1913, $55,700; P b I`. m For the construction of sanitary facilities and for fire preventive gmuiias, riciiiziti, ag measures on public camp grounds within the national forests when necessary for the protection of the public health or the prevention of forest fires, $25,000; _ . Equipment mh For the purchase and maintenance of necessary field, office, and p1ks,etc. ' laboratory supplies, instruments, and equipments, $130,000; hx um, wd For investigations of methods for wood distillation and for the uasmiiiaeiiiilg alias: preservative treatment of timber, for timber testing, and the testing ¥"°d“°°“· °*°· of such woods as may require test to ascertain if they be suitable for making paper, for investigations and tests within the United States of foreign woods of commercial importance to industries in the United States, and for other investigations and experiments to promote economy in the use of forest and fiber products, and for commercial demonstrations of improved methods or processes in coop- P,,,,,,,_ eration with individuals and companies, $335,824: Provided That M ¤¤*¤ $15,000 of this amount shall be used for the investigation by the ' Forest Products Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture of ilax straw as a source of supply for the manufacture of lpulp and paper; _ _ _ _ or experiments and investigations of range conditions within the m§‘{,§‘,§,§°$,‘}},‘,‘§,§_°“’ national forests or elsewhere on the public range, and of methods for improvin the range by reseeding, regulation of grazing, and other means, §36,020; ` For the purchase of tree seed, cones, and nursery stock, for seed- *“"° "1°'”' ing and tree planting within national forests, and for experiments and investigations necessary for such seeding and tree planting, $125,- 640: Provided, That from the nurseries on the Nebraska National to ,,4,; Forest the Secretary of Agriculture, under such rules and regulations @*******1*-'* in N°· as he may pwribe, may furnish young trees free, so far as they may be spared, to residents of the territory covered by “An Act v"1‘$’°‘w' increasing the area of homesteads in a portion of Nebraska," approved April 28, 1904; For silvieultural, dendrological, and other experiments and inves- “}*‘{,;'g“"”" °‘ '°" tigations, independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Federal Government, with States, and with individuals, to de-