SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 266. 1924. 451 For all necessary expenses for enforcing the provisions of the Mlmm blrd mv- Migratory Bird Treaty Act of July 3, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes at t°(i*ti>ii1h0.p.vss. Large, page 755), and for cooperation with local authorities in the protection of migratory birds, and for necessary investigations con- _ nected therewith, $136,565: Provided, That of this sum not more ixgifigieing shipthan $20,500 may be used for the enforcement of sections 241, 242, §‘,§3; 6,2* l"°**“>i°°d 243, and 244 of the Act approved March 4, 1909, entitled “An Act V<>l-35».DD-1135-ll38- to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," Camm, ,,,6 8,, and for the enforcement of section 1 of the Act approved May 25, killed same- g Y 1900, entitled “An Act to enlarge the powers of the Department of v°1`31’p' m' Agriculture, prohibit the transportation by interstate commerce of game killed in violatioh of local laws, and for other purposes," including all necessary investigations in connection therewith; R,,,,,d,,,_,,,,, A,“,m_ For investigations, experiments, and demonstrations for the wel- tI¤¤P¤>vi¤8 l¤<l¤¤¢rv. fare, improvement, and increase of the reindeer industry in Alaska, ° °' · including the erection of necessary buildings and other structures and cooperation with the Bureau of Education, and for the enforce- V0, 38 32,, ment of section 1956 of the Revised Statutes as amended so far as 'p` ` it relates to the protection of land fur-bearing animals in Alaska, including necessary investigations in connection therewith, $57,335; Admmgmuw “_ For general administrative expenses connected with the above- wmmentioned lines of work, including cooperation with other Federal bureaus, departments, boards, and commissions, on requcx from them, $11,460; In all, general ex%nses, $786,150. Total, ureau of iological Survey, $892,490. Accounts and dismvrsrox or Accoorrrs Arm DISBURSEMIINTB. bmemenu ua-men. _ _ Chief, and ohce per- Salaries: For chief of division and other personal services in the °°¤¤¤l- District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $74,440. LIBRARY, DEPARTMENT or Aomcuuroum. Libr-ry` Librarian, and Salaries: For librarian and other personal services in the Dis- ¤¤¤¤¤¤- Wi trict és; Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, 0,000. Geunlexvcnnnn. General expenses, Library: For books of reference, law books, technical and scientific books, newspapers and periodicals, and for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series· for the employ- ment of additional assistants in the city of Washington and elsewhere; for official traveling expenses, and for library fixtures, library cards, supplies, and for a other necessary expenses, $30,960. Total, Library, $70,960. BUREAU or 1>UBL1c Rows. ‘°I.‘i""° ”°°"’ "‘* skmnms. _ _ Chief, and oicaand For chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Md l>°¤*°¤¤¤*· Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923 and for personal services in the field, $123,7 40. GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU or Pursue ROADS. EmPmY%»mPPl`“$a For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Vtfashing- g;>¤¤¤*¤¢ °°“°“"· ton and elsewhere, supplies, office fixtures, apparatus, traveling and all other necessary ex nses, for conducting investigations and experiments, and for cogdting, reporting, an illustrating the results