18 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 46-48. 1924. thereof or supplementary thereto, upon the same terms and con- , A&P°"°i°¤m°¤* °‘ ditions as any of the several _States. For the fiscal year ending im June 30, 1925, there is authorized to be appropriated, out ot any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $13,000, to be available for apportionment under such Act to the Territory, and annually thereafter such sum_ as would be apportioned to the Territory.if such Act had originally include the Territor . Xgggsmééggggugn Src. 4ir The Territory of Hawaii shall be entitled to share in the pVo1s-39,p- 929- benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education; to provide for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades and industries; to provide for cooperation with the States in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects; and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditure," approved February 23, 1917, and any Act amendatory thereof or su plementary thereto, upon m;‘;,“¤¤¤¤¤° ¤“*h°" the same terms and conditions as any ofp the several States. There ` . is authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise a propriated, for the Hscal year ending June 30, 1925, and annually tgiereafter, the sum of $30,000, to be available for Vmum, mhabm allotment under such Act to the Territory. _ _ mma or (persons any- Sec. 5. The Territory of Hawaii shall be entitled to share in the §§§,9,‘§{§u($§§f°“‘ benefits of the Act ent1tled "Au Act to provide for the promotion V¤L 41, P- 735 of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise and their return to civil employment," approved June 2, 1920, and any Act amendatoiéy thereof or sup lementa thereto, upon ,,,,’§]°°‘”°““ "““‘°" the same terms and con itions as any of Sie sever}? States. There P~¢.1>·12¤¤» is authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, and annually thereafter, the sum of $5,000, to be available for allotment under such Act to the Territory. Approved, March 10, 1924. M?§¥1I€’5§?,?f‘ CHAP. 47,-—An Act To authorize the county of Multnomah, Oregon, to
construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the
.E‘té’a Stillwldod Ferryih * ‘ P "‘ “O “‘ ' ly fp “ '1 BIIIC B IVGI`, IH 8 Cl y 0 0 8D , TBQOH, ll'! G V101I11 0 I'BS€I] _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the ,Y,§',§§,‘§,"’m”,§§’, R<§§$,§;?. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the coiinty gg ¤¤<1z¤»P¤¤1¤¤ » of Multnomah, in the State of Oregon, be, and is hereby, granted ` authority to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the iVillamette River, in the city of Portland, Oregon, at a po1nt suitable to_ the interests of navigation, approximately fifteen and one-half miles above the mouth of said Cmstmm0u_ \V1llamette River, in the vicimty of the present site of the Sellv¤1.ei,p.s4. xvood Ferry, 111 accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. Am°¤d¤*¤¤*- Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 11, 1924. ina·eu1i.19zi. H. 11.3265. CHAP. 48.-An Act To auth ri ° · ’—"”"`[ii¤bn¤, ne. ai.]- Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queen; is thisegyngiirtiugiggeogfabgtifgigofitwcen the - Beit enactedb tkeS t ndH ’ newwwu cmg. _ 3/ _ WW 6 G Owe 0 Re sentatwes 0 the Qnzted States of America ire Congress asse;nble1d;.6That the citey of l\ew York IS hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate