SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS: Sess. I. Cns. 276-278, 287. 1924. 473 Florida, connecting Camden County, Georgia, and Nassau County, $,°{*¤;4m°“gg- Florida, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An °` 'p' ` Act ·to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. Src. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *m°”dm°“‘· expressly reserved. Approved, June 6, 1924. June 6,1924. CHAP. 277.—Joint Resolution To print as a House document the proceed- ings of the national eneampments of the Grand Army of the Republic, the United [Pub' RES" N°' 25‘] gplapggh War Veterans, and the American Legion, for the use of the House and Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the pro- ,,Q;§f°'““S' ““°°l“‘ ceedin s of the national encampments of the Grand Army of the t_Pr<i<>¤¤<1i¤ss of wi- Republic, the United Spanish War Veterans, and the American .i§§i§¤.$€$a°”:xZL°i{I§`$i¤€l Legion, respectively, shall, with accompanying illustrations, be ;§m*}'g§;”§§c,§;e§g§‘ printed annually hereafter as separate House documents of the Congress to which they may be submitted. Approved, June 6, 1924. CHAP. 278.—Joint Resolution Providing for the United States Government [duilariiéslgfié.] to have representation at the celebration of the centennial of the first meeting [Pub. Res., No. 2s.] of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida. Whereas the citizens of Tallahassee, Florida, the State capital, joined c,,{§§,§’,‘},§,_ T·""“°"Y by the citizens of the entire State of Florida, are planning an Pmmbieappropriate celebration in November, 1924, of the centennial of the first meeting of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, said celebration to be held at Tallahassee, and Wl1ereas it is desirable and fitting that the United States Government should be represented on the occasion of the said celebration; Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the Presi— G,§,‘2,$f,°§,}'f°;'§{’°fTu'§%,§‘,? dent be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to name and };§;;£°°**°¤d· 8* '*`*~*’· appoint a representative of the United States Government to attend ` and participate in the celebration of the centennial of the first meeting of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, said celebration to be held at Tallahassee, Florida, the State capital, during the month of November, 1924. Approved, June 6, 1924. June 7,1924. CHAP. 287.-—An Act For the establishment of a Federal Industrial Institu- tion for Women, and for other purposes. [Public, No.2¤¤.l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assemblengrffhat the Attorney ,,,§§$,,°{§§¤,°{“v$‘Q$§g§l General, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Labor, bjijgéghfmgwmwld be, and are hereby authorized and directed to select a site either in con- ac. I ' nection with some existing institution or elsewhere, for an industrial institution for the confinement of female persons above the ¤,,IQ§’*,¥,‘}°° °° b° °°“` age of eighteen years, convicted of an offense against the United States, including women convicted by consular courts, sentenced to imgrisonment for more than one year. nc. 2. That u on the selection of an appropriate site the Attorney e,§S§;¤g§°ju,;’,{ut*;•;"§’· General shall sulbmit to Congress an estimate of the cost of pur- v-1334. `