20 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 51, 52. 1924. ° the Parish of Saint Tammany in the State o_f §:>iii)diari);tlaviiBdnthe County of Hancock in the State of Mississippi, approximately four and one-half m1les northeast of Peapl River station in the State of Louisiana and five miles south of Licholson $‘§_S§°“‘g',}· in the State of Mississippi and in accordance with the provisions ’p` l of an Act entitled "An Act to regiilate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved arch 23, 1906. _ _ ·'““°““’“““°‘ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal tlus Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 11, 1924. )'{§’°1{;1%5;?f' CHAP. 52.-—An Act To authorize the settlement of the indebtedness of the
Republic of Finland to the United States of America.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §',§,2“,,‘:g,,t of its United States of America in Congress assembted, That the settlewma ',";,§,'°d*”d°b*°d‘ ment of the indebtedness of the Republic of Finland to the United °°irs¤i}E,p.3éi- States of America, made by the World War Foreign Debt Commission and approved (lsy tlile Pretsident, upon the following terms 1S hereb a roved an authorize : Fqndineqfrrincirai Priiicigsil amoimt of obligations to be funded, $8,281,926.17 ; ‘“d’“°°'°S°""°b°°°°' interest accrued thereon to December 15, 1922, at the rate of 4} per centum gier annum, $1,027,389.10, less payment in cash made by Finland arch 8, 1923, on account of mterest, $300,000, leaving " a balance of $727,389.10; total principal and interest accrued an unpaid as of December 15, 1922, $9,009,315.27; less payment in cash made by Finland on May 1, 1923, $9,315.27. Total indebtedness to be funded into bonds, $9,000,000. _ _ _ mgipdreiswyabie i¤ The principal of the bonds shall be paid in annual installments mm on the 15th day of each December, up to and includin December 15, 1984, on a fixed schedule, subject to the right of the Government of Finland to make these payments in three-year periods; the amount of the first year’s installment shall be $45,000, the annual installments to increase with due regularity until, in the sixty- second year, the amount of the installment will be $345,000, the aggregate installments being equal to the total principal of the debt. lciofgjr P¤Ym°¤”> **l· _ he Government of Finland shall have the right to pay off additional amourgs of the principal of the bonds on any interest date upon ninety ays notice. muses: wwe. Interest shall be payable upon the unpaid balances at the following rates on December 15 and June 15 of each year: At the rate of 3 per centum per annum, payable semiannually, from December 15, 1922, to December 15, 1932, and thereafter at ghe lrate of per centum per annum. payable semiannually, until _ na paymen . ,,,;* ‘§§,“",2j The Government of Finland shall have the right to pay up to cmedmwrm- one-half of any interest accruing between December 15, 1922, and December 15, 1927, on the $9,000,000, principal amount of bonds first to be issued, in bonds of Finland dated as of the respective dates_when the interest to be paid thereby becomes due, payable as to pr1nc1pal_on the 15th day of December in each succeeding year, up to and incluclmg_ December 15, 1984, on a fixed schedule, in annual installments, increasing with due regularity in proportion to, and in the manner provided for, the payments to be made on account of principal of the original issue of bonds, and bearing the sgmsngstes of gngereslt and being similar in other respects to such 1 issue o on s. St§gmb;*;f,s¤mc';;;'é$,Q guy payment of interest or of principal ma be made, at the option of the Government of Finland, in any llnited States Gov-