480 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 291. 1924. D:d1¤¤¤¤*| ¤¤¤¤‘¤*’• Anmrxxr Gnismnaris Dnraummm. .¤$;°(§*‘*“°‘# courmonncms, imanquairmxs or MILITARY DEPARTMENTS, AND so ‘ ° “ ‘ ronmsr. °°“m*‘°“t°‘””’°°‘ For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several territorial departments, corps areas, armies, territorial districts, tactical corps, divisions, and brigades, mcluding the Staff Corps serving thereat, being for the purchase of the necessary articlw of office, toilet, and desk furniture, stationery, ice, and pgtable water for office use when necessary, binding, maps, technical _ oks of reference, professional gaénd telchmcallnewspapegs mad periiodicfnlsi piymciiittfog h`h a maeinavance an poiceuensis o_ea_oe Hy?l1enSegretary of War, and tb be expended in tlrie discretion of e commanding officers of the_several military departments, corps areas, districts, armies, and tactical commands, $5,000. my w" °°“°“°· Amar wan commu.
- ““"“°‘*°‘* °‘°°"’°°· For expenses of the Army War Colle being for the purchase
of the necessa s ial stationery; texxioks, books of reference, YY FW . . . scientific and pro essional papers and periodicals, maps, pohce utensils; employment of temporary, technical, or sipecial services and E¤*P*°Y°°S· °*°- e of special lecturers; for the pay of employees; and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, $60,540. xg? L°°v°°w°"h' mn COMMAND Ama cminmar. srarr scuoox., rom mavnuwonm, KANSAS, cig;-$¤iii?•i'.¢ixd)si¤i:;“§i For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and $°°"°*’°°‘- professionaf papers, ct;,’and ngterigl {on inptruction; employment o temporary tec speci _ an c erica SB1'VlCBS' and for other necessary eglpenses of instruction, at the Command and General Staii School, ort Leavenworth, Kansas, $45,000. P°St°"h°”°°S' Mxmraur POST nxcuaucns. Maimm¤°°’°t°' For continuing the construction, equipment, and maintenance of suitable buildmgs at military posts and stations, for the conduct of the post exchange, school, reading, lunch, and amusement rooms; i _ for the conduct and maintenance of libraries, service clubs, chapels, $°;"°°'°“;;_,“**"'““" and gymnasiums, including. repairs to buildin erected at private
- 32**** Z cost,_ in the operation of the ct_ approved Mg? 31, 1902, and including salaries and travel for civilians employed in the hostess and
library services, and for transportation of oks and equipment for these services; for the_rental of films, purchase of slides for and making repairs to mov1ng—picture outfits and for similar and other recreational purposes at training and mobilization camps now cstablished, or which may be hereafter established, $87,800. oiiiggimm G°°°m]’s ADJUTANT GENERAL’S orrxcn. °i"i"‘*“ ’*°”°“‘*°*· Salaries:_For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with “The Classification Act of 1923,” $1,399,592; all employeeszirovided for by this paragraph for The Adjutant General’s (éhiclf o Elie War Department shall be exclusively engaged on work 0 t at 0 ce. Ogg§°°‘°' °°¤°”*’S OFFICE or mr ixsrrorou cumznan. °*”***°“ ‘*°”°“‘*°L Salaries:_For personal in the District of Columbia, in gc. cordance with “The Classiticatmn Act of 1923/’ $25,620.