SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 291. 1924. 503 SEACOAST nnrnusns, PANAMA CANAL. Femme Gemi- For the construction of fire·control stations and accessories, in- t (§{°'gS'gF¤°*i¤*g¤*¤¤°¤· cluding purchase of lands and rights of way, purchase and installa- Y S 8 mm °' l.Z10I1·0 necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wiring and all special instruments, apparatus and materials, coast-si al apparatus, subaqueous, sound, and flash ranging apparatus, incfldding their development, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary employees connected with the use of coast artillery, purchase, manu- me u°°°"s’°t°‘ facture, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture, $35,000. _ For alteration, maintenance, and repair of submarine-mine ma- h§;?bm°'*”°’”i°°’°P‘ mm1, $3,000. " ‘ For purchase of submarine mines and necessary appliances to operate them, $2,000. ormcn or cmnr or COAST ARTILLERY. C0§°gng’f,m9}**°‘ 0* Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia in Ci"‘“*“‘ ¥’°”°“"°'· accordance with the classification Act of 1923, $22,620. Ummn Smcms MHJTARY AoAnmn*. Mmm ·‘—°°"°’“Y· . PAY or MILITARY ACADEMY. P“Y· _Permanent Establishment: For eight professors, $30,000; chap- Pr°I°°°s°”’ °°°' lam, $2,750; constructing quartermaster, 111 addition to his regular pay, $1,000; additional pay of rofcssors and officers for leng£h of service, $12,415; subsistence allowance of professors and officers, $4,599; in all, $50,764. For one thousand two hundred cadets, $936,000. C°d°tS‘ Military Academy Band: Master sergeant; fifteen staff sergeants; A°°d°my °°”d' fifteen privates, first class; twenty privates; specialists—fifteen, second class; twenty, third class; additional pay for length of service; in all, $39,212. · Fwd us, im Field Musicians: Staff sergeant; two corporals; seven privates, m ° ' first class; twenty-one privates; twenty-eight specialists, sixth class; additional pay for length of service; in ali $11,292. Service Detachment: First sergeant; forty-seven sergeants· S°"i°°°°°°°h°’°“°‘ twenty corporals; fifty-five privates, first class; one hundred and fift —three privates; specialists-forty, third class, fifty, fourth class, eiglity, fifth class; additional pay for length of service; in all, $120,000. Cavalry Detachment: First sergeant; fourteen sergeants; sixteen °“'“"’“°“‘°h’“°“‘· corporals; sixty-five privates, first class; one hundred and twenty- four privates; specialists-—ten, fourth class, thirteen, fifth class, two, Sixth class; additional pay for length of service; in all, $92,600. Artillery umm Artillery Detachment: First sergeant; twenty-three sergeants; mm. twenty-one corporals; seventy-Eve privates, first class; one hundred and eighteen privates; specialists——eight, fourth class, fifteen, fifth class, three, sixth class; additional pay for qualiication in gunnery; additional pay for length of service; in all, $90,860. _ Hmmm demch_ Engineer Detachment: First sergeant; three staff sergeants; nme mm. sergeants; twelve corporals; thirty-nine privates, first class; fifty- two privates; specialists—two, third class, three, fourth class, two, sixth class; additional pay for length of service; additional pay for qualiication in marksmanship; in all, $45,000. _ Siam, Cm dem} Signal Corps Detachment: Master sergeant; techmcal sergeant; mm:. staff sergeant; two sergeants; two corporals; three privates, first