SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 291. 1924. 509 Reserves, traveling on duty in connection with citizens’ military training camps; for the cost of preparation and transportation to F°”°"° °‘p°““°°‘ their homes o the remains of civilians who die while attending camps of instruction; in all, $2,330,000, to remain available until December _ 31, 1925: Provided, That the funds herein appropriated shall not be fgviiiiiiiimuou. used for the training of any person in the iirst year, or lowest course, who shall have reached his twenty-fourth birthday before the date U of enrollment: Provided further, That none of the funds appropri- rm»i3ugi¤.°th°r mms ated elsewhere in_ this Act shall be used for expenses in connection Um, tc I with citizens’ military training camps: Provided further, That uni- Amy (iigiiiu; Jccgn forms and other equipment or material furnished in accordance with law for use at citizens’ military training camps shall be furnished from surplus or reserve stocks of the War Department without pay- ment from this appropriation, except for actual expense incurred 111 . the manufacture or issue: Provided further, That in no case shall the erxlilplgeyxiixlolhigslit t° g°v° amount paid from this appropriation for uniforms, equipment, or material furnished in accordance with law for use at citizens’ military training camps from stocks under control of the War De artment be in excess of the price current at the time the issue is made. _ _ Under the authorizations contained in this Act no issues of reserve ,,§§g'$§§§;§’I’}H;; ‘§§_°' supplies or equi ment shall be made where such issues would impair the reserves held) by the War Department for two iield armies or one million men. _ NATIONAL Bo.·um ron Pnouorrox or Rirm Pnacmcrz. p.Qr§°{§,'1£ti°° °f rm quanrmunsrnn surrnms Aim snnvxons ron num rumors ron crvrnnm civmw *¤=*¤¤°“¤¤~ INSTRUUHON. To establish and maintain indoor and outdoor riile ranges for the ,,,,,‘§,'§_` use of all able-bodied males ca able of bearing arms under reason- P’¤°°*·=°·°*°· able regulations to be prescribed) by the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and approved by the Secretary of War; for the employment of labor in connection with the establishment of outdoor and indoor rifle ranges, including labor in operating targets; for the employment of instructors; for clerical services; for I”’“`“°°°”’°*° adges and other insignia; for the transportation of employees, instructors, and civilians to engage in practice; for the dpurchase of materials, supplies, and services, and for expenses inci ental to in- ,m,c,w,_,,, ,,, M, struction of citizens of the United States in marksmanship, and their ¤¤¤¤1. ew. m¤¤¢¤¤¤· participation in national and international matches, to be expended under the direction of the Secreta of War, and to remain avail- Prom able until expended, $89,900: Provided, That out of this appropria- Transportation, tion there may be expended not to exceed $80,000 for the payment of {'ggfjjj °‘°·· '°‘ ““" transportation, for supplying meals or furnishing commutation of subsistence of civilian riile teams authorized by the Secretary of War to participate in the national matches. Narioimn raorrrr AND mnnans ron mru: corrrrsrs. R‘““°°“““* For the purpose of furnishing a national trophy and medals and ¤ ¤2iZ°i other prizes to be provided and contested for annually, under such '°‘ “““““‘ regulations as may be prescribed b the Secretary of War, said contest to be open to the Army, Navy, {Marine Corps, and the National Guard or Organized Militia of the several States, Territories, and of the District of Columbia members of rifle clubs, and civilians, and for the cost of the troph , prizes, and medals herein provided for, and for the promotion og rifle practice throughout the United Mm] i N __ States, including the reimbursement of necessary expenses of mem- ami sum. bers of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, to