SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 291. 1924. 511 TITLE II.—NON MILITARY ACTIVITIES OF THE WAR ,,N·>¤¤=·m=¤¤" mii- DEPABTMENT. °°‘· FINANCE Dnranmmivr. ,,,§,},‘f°“°° D°*’°"` _F or amount reqzuired to make monthly payments to Jennie Carroll, mm Cmou widow of James arroll, late major, United States Army, $1,500. For amount required to make monthly payments to Mabel H. M“b°lH‘L"°°" Lazear, widow of Jesse W. Lazear, late acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, $1,500. _ For amount required to make monthly ayments to John R. J°h" R` K'“i“‘°" Kissinger, late of Company D, One hundlied and fifty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, also late of the Hospital Corps, United States Army, $1,200. Qxmnmnuasmn Corrs. c§§,f"‘°"““"°‘ NATIONAL Nationalcemeteries. For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel M*‘“‘“’”““°°· for superintendents, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materia s, and including care and maintenance of the A I. V Arlington Memorial Amphitheater and Cha el and grounds in the Ar m?°°’ °' t . Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, and permanent American abniiiim wm mes military cemeteries abroad, $360,000. For pay of seventy-six superintendents of national cemeteries, S“"°'“"°“d°““‘ including the superintendent at Mexico City, $63,7 20. _ For repairs to roadways to national cemeteries which have been R°p"*”'°°*°°°‘°““‘ constructed by special authority of Congress, $16,000: Provided, §f,°c'§i§§f,;,m,¤,, by That no railroad shall be permitted upon the right of way which may ¤¤r¤¤d¤'¤f\>i¤d¢¤- have been acquired by the United States to a national cemetery, or to encroach u on any roads or walks constructed thereon and main- Restriction on m_ tained bly thelllnited States: Pro/vided further, That no part of this pans. sum shall be used for repairing any roadway not owned by the United States within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village. _ _ No part of any appropriation for national cemeteries or the repair ,,,l,‘,§§§f°d "’ °“° °"` of roadways thereto shall be expended in the maintenance of more than a single approach to any national cemetery. For continuing the work of furnishin headstones of durable stone d,g§?g§;3g§°°°,Q" *°" or other durable material for unmarked aves of Union and Con- ` federate soldiers, sailors, and marines, andt soldiers, sailors, and marines of all other wars in national, post, city, town, and village ceme- _ 4 teries, naval cemeteries at navy ards and stations of the United ¥;,E‘§°"§fS;§i§°’3l,;‘ States, and other burial laces, under the Acts of March 3, 1873, Feb- $*·P·°°· mary 3, 1879, and Marcii) 9, 1906; continuing the work of furnishing 396, VOL headstones for unmarked graves of civilians interred in post ceme- 3% P-7*1- teries under the Acts of April 28, 1904, and June 30, 1906; and fur- °°“'°d"'“°°S‘ nishing headstones for the unmarked graves of Confederate soldiers. sailors, and marines in national cemeteries, $70,000. _ For repair and preservation of monuments, tablets, observation M‘§T"‘°t°m °“m°°°m’ tower, roads, and fences, and so forth, made and constructed by the P“*‘°"°**°“·°*°· United States upon public lands within the limits of the Antietam _ battle iield, near Shar burg, Liaryland, and for pay of Supe1‘in· S°p°mt°°d°°f bendent, said superintengint to perform his duties under the direction of the Quartermaster Co and to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of War, at his ldiisscretion, the person selectedxfor this position to be an honorably discharged Union soldier, $6,500. _ _ Drsrosrrrox or mameuivs or orrrcnns, sormnns, Asn crv1:L1AN mr- mf§S°°,$}‘§’{gmgf sf; PLOHLES: For interment, cremation (only upon request from relatives <1i¢r¤.¤¢¢· of the deceased) , or of preparation and transportation to their homes 45822°-—·25’y—35