522 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 292. 1924. rm, °¤¤gj¤¤¤* me INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHMENTS. wglggn Prcvmv C¤¤· ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN. ~i§ii§i}·“LT$ZT' i§§°;`,£.§l’;ii“S?i.‘i*ii‘i*;€ $3*Ei’;‘ii$§°.,P“g.",’i,£EYS?.§‘§i”;“u§i2i.h2’,ITfi??§’wii‘§ $61.%; §§ii°Zifiii1f7l the enemy, and for other purposes," approved October 6, 1917, as amended; including personalband ogheligeseiilvices anddrentalluof quart th Dist `ct Colum ia. an e w ere, per iem owances iiirlidii ofzubsislilence) not exceeding $4, traveling exfenws, law books, books of reference and periodicals, supphes an equipment, and _ repair, and operation of motorjpr0peHed_pa.ssenger— §’w°{“,gémm,u_ carrying vehicles, $224,000: P¢jo*vgded,_'I’hat this appropriation shall not be available for rent of buildings in the_District of Columbia if _ suitable space is provided by the Public BHll COIDH11SS10IL m:'i““¤¤ “"" "“"" For all printing and binding for the Alien perty Custodian, $1,000. M·*,¤m,u°,,"°tg”C’§,§,§,§,L€ AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS COMMISSION. sion.
- ,§,°jg°gS°g,,,_ For eve ex enditure requisite for and incident to the work of the
P··i¢.1i-699- Americanl-Rattle Monuments C0m;ni$1pf;uauthor1g3ed by y Act Bnftl d "An Act f r the creation 0 an erican att e onuments Coiiiimission to effect suitable memorials commemorating the services of the American soldier in Eiu·ope, and_for other purposes," npproved March 4, 1923, including the_acqu1s1tion of land or interest in ’“*~‘··*·* Km? i’li$°”€ig’i. °"“"°“‘i'i.ii‘iE X‘&‘$"“g &“'£“l‘i;7i*"i‘L*i.°S‘i§· "fJi‘§5“tL;‘ cwiousumission me ee o em a , under the provisions of section 355 ofythe Revised Statutes· for the n. s., sec. sas. p. 60. . . . . . > t employment of personal services in the District of Columbia and else- “‘"‘°"’°““‘ E °‘ rrr cznzssgrsiismcii i=;$s·:;z.:$i rave e n a upon thipwork of the commission, as authorized E; law; the gregutiibursement of actual travel expenses (not exceeding $8 per day) or per diem in lieu thereof (not exceeding per day) to, and the transportation of the members of the commission, while enga ed upon the _ _ work of the commission; theestablishment of offices and the rent of P""“"" "°°‘ office space in foreign countries; printing, engraving, lithographing, ) _ 1 binding, photographing, and typewriting, $500,000, of which $50,000 ,,,§_"""""T““" "“”S’ shall be availabglebonlyéffoxgprel&mXién1ry_ work anti plans gin the im rovement an eau 1 ca ion o erican ceme ries in P V incliuding every expenditure requisite for and incident thldilfeiiiiz riitfiwbiinnss tr Provided, That when_ traveling with the commission or on the irmyomcm. Bgsiness of the commgsglon officers of tlge lgkrmy serving as mem- _ _ mh rs or as secretary o e commission S a be reimb ed - },g2§E§§,‘}l,a$i°b x K vided by law for Army officersz Prcwikied further, Tliilast dizbuli-Is; ments for expenditures outside of continental United States may be made by a special disbursing agent designated by the commission and under such regulations as it may prescribe, Em°l*¤°Y B‘“°““· BUREAU OF EFFICIENCY. 0,,§?cgi;2;g0*;gg{d“·“°° For chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923: con- Expenses tingent expenses, including traveling expenses; per diem in lieu of ` subsistence; supplies; stationery; purchase and exchance of equipment; not to exceed $100 for law books, books of reiierence, and _ A _ periodicals: and not to exceed $150 for stI‘cct—car fare; in all, $155,650. ,,,;““‘“‘g *‘“d b‘“d‘ For all printing and binding for the Bureau of Eiiiciency, $500.