526 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 292. 1924. ` mort conductin sales under deeds of trust, or reacquiring ltixge or on of real iroperty under default proceeding, includ- ' attorney fees, witness fees, court costs, charges, and other mis- ?k,°”?;,.,., of equi. cudganeous expenses $8,000: Prooided, That the United States Hous- ¤¤*>*° °*“m¤· ing Corporation is hereby authorized to allow as an offset any enluita, ble claim in any collection made agamst any State or any po 1t1cal , subdivision thereof. _ mhii¤3ii°;§¤°}iZeZ·i?m` No art of the appropriations heretofore made and available for _expend)iture by the United States Housing Corporation shall be expended for the purposes for which appropriations are made herein. e§£‘.¢§.f""““‘*"’° iurnnsrarn commence 0oMM1ss1oN. aggi::¤;im°m and For eleven commimioners, at $12,000 each; secretary, $7,500; in all, $139,500. _ _ _ ,,,§§f"°°1 me °` For all other authorized expenditures necessary in the execution of laws to regulate commerce, includifn§ one chief coimsel, one direcmmmmbdmm for of finance, and one director of tr c at $10,000 each per annum, mm, M and per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section p' 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 192-1, $2,148,000, of which sum there may be expended not exceeding °°°”’°l’ °t°‘ $50,000 in the employment of counsel; not exceeding $3,000 for necessary books, reports, and periodicals; not exceeding $100 in the open market for the purchase of office furniture similar in class or kmd mum to that listed in the eral supply schedule; and not exceedinv Re¤¢¤ll'¤¤¤¢'!iti¤¤- $75,000 for rent of buixgs in the District of Columbia: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for rent of buildings in the District of Columbia if suitable space is provided by the _ _ Public Buildings Commission.
- ,yE.?.ii°,2¥$§?°mntm To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce complimvgf 5";é;P,;§f’;,V‘;}; ance with section 20 and other sections of the Act to regulate comma merce as amended by the Act approved June 29, 1906, and as
aniended by the Trnnsportation Act, 1920, including the elmpknyniient 0 necessary specia accounting agents or examiners, an mc u ing $$i%i°¤$is°°°°°' per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 g§3nhe2§undry C1vil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, ,5 .
Y amy °°` To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed
m:"{‘,;§Y{.§,·_§§,‘,g_‘,{§,{; regarding and to enforce compliance with Acts to promote the safety V<gl;g,•kgt§¤¤· of employees and travelers upon railroads; the Act requiring comven. ao, p.`:+w. mon carriers to make reports of accidents and authorizing investiga- B,°cmmm’m_ tions thereof; and to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission 35v¤1.3z;,_pvg?s38v¤1. to investigate and test block-signal and tram-control systems and 212;). ‘ ’ p' appliances intended promote the safety of railway operation, as authorized by the ]o1nt reso1ution approved June 30, 1906, and the mmemmwmnm provision of the Sundry Civil Act approved May 27, 1908, including v.,;_?g,p_m_ ’ the emgloyment of inspectors, and per diem in lieu of subsistence when a owed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropria- _ tion Act approved August 1, 1914, $37 5,000. ¤§f’§§cl°°°“‘°“"° "°“‘ For all authorized expenditures under the provisions of the Act 40'~;1k$.r·913: Vol- of February 17, _1911, To promote the safety of employees and ’ travelers upon raulroads by compelling common carriers engaged in VOL 3,, ,,_ lm interstate commerce to equip their locomotives with safe and suitable PM: 1>-65¤- boilers and appurtenances thereto," and amendment of March 4, 1915, extending " the Same powers and duties with respect to all parts and appurtenances of the locomotive and tender} including such stenographic and clerical help to the chief inspector and his _ _ two assistants as the Interstate Commerce Commission may deem $f,§_"§,g"';,’j“&fS*°¤°°· necessary, and for per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed p\11‘· suant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, $300,000.