SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 543 laboratory in the office of the inspector of asphalt and cement; damages; livery, purchase, and care of horses and carriages or buggies and bicycles not otherwise provided for; horseshoeing; ice; repairs to pound and vehicles; use of bicycles by inspectors in the engineer department not to exceed $800 in the aggregate; and other general necessary expenses of District offices, including the rsonal—tax board, harbor master, health department, surveyor’s oiiife, office of superintendent of weights, measures, and markets, department of insurance, and Board of Charities, including an allowance to the purchasing officer and to the secretary of the Board of Charities, not exceeding the rate of $26 per month each, for the maintenance of an automobile to be furnished by him and used in the discharge of his official duties, $47,900. _ Printing mmm M For printing all annual and special reports of the government of esmiywism. the District of Columbia for the iiscal year ending June 30, 1924, for ,.,0,,_,,,_ submission to Congress, $5,000; Provided, That authority is hereby m{>i¤¤{_;¤i¤¤¤rv<1i¤¤¤¤- given the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to discontinue mm ` the printing of any annual or ecial reports of the government of the District of Columbia in oriler to keep the expenditures within Preservation Om, __ this appropriation. In all cases where the printing of said reports mis. gl is discontinued, the original co y thereof shall be kept on file in the offices of the Commissioners of) the District of Columbia for public inspection. _ For maintenance, care, and repair of automobiles, motor cycles, and motor trucks owned biy the District of Columbia, that are not otherwise herein provided or, $28,000. E M _ For the exchange of such automobiles now owned by the District miéba. E W ° im of Columbia as, in the judgment of the commissioners of said District, have or shall become rmserviceable, $3,000; for the purchase of two automobiles at not to exceed $450 each for the use of the — Assessor’s Qiiice, $900; in all, $3,900. _ Us, by omcms m_ All of said motor vehicles and all other motor vehicles provided mmfor in this Act and all horse~drawn carriages and buggies owned by the District of Columbia shall be used only for p ses directly pertaining to the public services of said District, andugiixll be under the direction and control of the commissioners, who may from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof or direct the joint or interchangea le use of any of the same by officials and employees of the District, except as otherwise provided in this Act: ,,,,,,,,_ roarided, That, with the exception of motor vehicles for the police CM ¤¤¤*°•¤¤¤ and fire departments, no automobile shall be acquired under any provision of t is Act, by purchase or exchange, at a cost, including the value of a. vehicle exchangpd, exceeding $650 except as may be herein ,,.mm,m,mb,d,,m_ specifically authorized. o motor vehicles shall be transferred from t e police or fire departments to any other branch of the government of the District of Columbia. Use mmm mag Appropriations in this Act shall not be expended for the purchase su. or maintenance of horses or horse-drawn vehicles for the use of the commissioners, or for the purchase or maintenance of horses or horse-drawn vehicles for inspection or other urposes for those odicials or employees provided with motor vehicles. Hmmm ,0, W, All estimates of appropriations for the fiscal year 1926 on accoimt hi¤1¤¤,&>°d¤¤l *P¤N7 of the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and o ration of '°°°” ' horse-drawn and motor·prope]led vehicles, and for algewances to employees for supplying their own vehicles, shall be submitted in three paragra hs under the head of “Contingent and Miscellaneous Expenses} (lhe paragraph shall apply to motor-propelled vehicles, one to horse-drawn vehicles, and one to privately owned vehicles, and each shall be accompanied by detailed information showing numbers and distribution by types, and comparative actual an 45822°-25*;--37