SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 557 For transportation for pupils attending schools for tubercular "”’“¥’°"“”‘°"· children, $3,000: Provided, That expenditures for car fares from this fimd shall not be subject to the general limitations on the use of car ` fares covered by this Act. For purchase and repair of furniture, tools, machinery, material, www! mms °° and books, and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction in manual training, and incidental expenses connected therewith, $60 000 pun u in 41 Flor fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $235,000. pews., 8 °° For furniture, including pianos and window shades, for buildin dF¤rr¤¤¤r¤» ew]-» f¤r and additions to buildings, equipment for kindergartens, and mod; em ° and furnishin for manual training, cooking and sewing schools, as follows: Eimstrong Manual Training School and addition thereto, $100,000; Western High School and addition thereto, $82,763; eight-room school buil ing on Spring Road site, $4,588; eight-room addition to the Tenley chool, $7,388; three kindergartens, $3,000; two sew1ng schools, $1,200; two housekeeping and cooking schools, $3,000; two cooking schools, $2,000; two manualtraining shops, $3,000; in all, $206,939. For contingent expenses, including furniture and repairs of same, ,,,,{,’,‘},‘},§*,§‘,,,‘°,,‘,§{.$“’°°· pay of cabinetmaker, stationery, printing, ice, and other necessary Mom H mow items not otherwise provided for, including an allowance of not mm. exceeding $312 per annum for a motor vehicle for each of the superintendent of schools, the superintendent of janitors, the two assistant superintendents, the director of primary instruction, the school cabinetmaker, the supervising principal in charge of the white special schools, the chief ,medical and sanitary inspector of schools, and the supervising principal of the colored special schools, and including not exceeding $3,000-for books of reference and periodicals, $76,040: Provided, That a bond shall not be required on account §',§"§’;,d ,0, Am of military supplies or equipment issued by the War Department for =¤¤P“¤¤*°¤d°*¤· military instruction and practice by the students of high schools in the District of Columbia. · For the purchase of sanitary paper towels and for fixtures for P""°‘°°"°“‘ dis;ensing the same to the pupils, $2,000. or purchase of pianos for school buildings and kindergarten P*""°°‘ schools, at an avera cost not to exceed $300 each, $1,500. For textbooks an? school suplplies for use of pupils of the first S“"’“°"°"“’"“‘ eight grades, to be distribute by the superintendent of public sc ools under regulations to be made by the Board of Education, and for the necemry expenses of purchase, distribution, and preservation of said textbooks and supp ies, includirég necessary labor not P I to exceed $1,000 $125,000: Provided, That e Commissioners of mandy. the District of Columbia, in their discretion, are authorized to exchange any badly damaged book for a new one, the new one to be similar in text to the old one when it was new. For kindergarten supplies, $6,300. ,{gf‘°“"'"“ ’“"' For purchase of United States flags $1,200. F***¤·l For utensils, material, and labor, ior establishment and mainte- S°°°° '°'°°“°' nance of school rdens, $3,000. _ N d t The Board ofg}lEducation is authorized to designate the months ’°“ y' °°" in which the ten salary payments now required by w shall be made to teachers assigned to the work of instruction in nature study and S<=h<><>1 gardens . . Pm., e. am. For purchase of apparatus, fixtures, specimens, techmcal books, m,,,,t,·,.,,§u,;_ and for extending the equipment and for the maintenance of labora— V tories of the departments of physics, chemistry, biology, and general science in the several hi h and junior high schoo and normal schools, and for the ih Eation of the same, $10,000.