SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 559 $ For rent of school buildings and grounds, storage and stock rooms, R°¤*·°°°· 16,500. _ For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds i,,;§°,§’§,“fi”g,‘§$;§§l’“ud' and for repairing and renewing heating, plumbing, and ventilating apparatus, and installation of sanitary drinking fountains in buildings not supplied with same, $300,000. S h 1 la For maintenance and repair of ninety-two school playgroimds now ° °° P y°°°°dS' established, $4,500. Adm I , h I For equipment, grading, and improving eight additional school`°°°"°S° °° yards for the purposes of play of pupils, $4,000: Provided, That {}ggfg§;_ such playgrounds shall be ke t open or play purposes in accordance with the schedule maintained) for playgrounds un er the jurisdiction of the playground department. _ For repair, replacement, and extension of equipment, furniture, ,,,§},‘gn”“‘“·,_f§°;p§§,§ and furnishings, includin pianos, to adapt for use as junior high 1¤¤i·¤lEic¤ S¢¤¤¤¤s· schools, the old Eastern Igigh School, $4,000; the Jefferson School, $5,000; and the Randall School, $4,000; in all, $13,000. Cosmsmwc um_ The total cost of the sites and of the several and respective build- nai to appmpmixom. ings herein provided for, including heating, lighting, and plumbing, when completed upon plans and specifications to be made previous y- and approved, shall not exceed the several and respective sums of money erein respectively appropriated or authorized for such purposes, any provision in t is Act to the contrary notwithstanding. mmmumolphm The plans and specifications for all buildings plrovided for in this Act shall be prepared under the supervision of the municipal architect, and those for school buildings after consultation with the Board of Education, and shall be applroved by the commissioners, and shall be constructed in conformity thereto. Erm mmm The school building? authorized and a propriated for herein shall ' be constructed Yéth d dooiils iztendgd used la; exits or entrance? opemng outwa , an eac 0 said in v` an excess o eight rooms shall have at least four exits. g§ppro;·fi;ations carried wzizdfizlccio °p°u °°f in this Act shall not be used for the maintenance of school in any building unless all outside doors thereto used as exits or entrances shall open outward and be ke t unlocked every school day from one- U'“°°'°“ "°°”· °"’* half hour before until one-halif hour after school hours. METROPOLITAN POLICE. P°u°°' sxnxmrzs. Major and superintendent, $4,500; two assistant su rintendents, at $3,000 each; four inspectors, at $2,400 each; twelvldocaptains, at {’°•*:¤£°%' $2,400 each; additional compensation for thirty-five rivates detailed ” for special service in the detection and prevention oi) crime, $16,800; additional compensation for fourteen privates detailed for special service in the various precincts for the prevention and detection of crime, at the rate of $120 per annum, $1,680; additional compensation for one inspector or captain and one lieutenant detailed for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, at $400 each; twenty- one lieutenants, one of whom shall be harbor master, at $2,000 each; fifty-six sergleants, one of whom may be detailed for duty in the harbor patro , at $1,800 each; privates——six hundred and thirty-three of class 3 at $1,660 each, one hundred and seventy of clam 2 at $1,560 each, fifty-one of class 1 at $1,460 each; amount required to pay salaries of privates of class 2 who will be promoted to class 3 and lprivates of class 1 who will be promoted to class 2 during the iisca year 1925, $2,600; motor vehic e allowance for two inspectors at $480 each; twenty-five captains, lieutenants, sergeants, and privates, mounted on homes, at $540 each; thirty-two lieutenants, ser- 45822**-251--38