SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 565 For contingent expenses, including books, law books, books of °°”‘i”¥°”‘°‘P°'”°°· reference, fue , light, telephone, blanks, dockets, and all other necessary miscellaneous items and supplies, $4,000. summm comrr, nxsrmcr or conmnsm. B“‘"°'“° °°“"‘ Salaries: Chief justice, $8,000; five associate justices, at $7,500 B°l°"°°' each ;_ six stenographers,. one for the chief justice and one for each associate justice, at $1,100 each; in all, $52,100; Fms or wrrmssns: For fees of witnesses and ayment of the K’§‘°§,°,§·8w_p m actual expenses of witnesses in said court, as provided by section 850, W I Revised Statutes of the United States, $25,000. Fans or maons: For fees of jurors, $55,000. ’“'°”· PAY or nA1L1;rFs: For not exceeding 0ne‘crier in each court, of B‘m”“· office deputy marshals who act as bailifs or criers, and for expenses of meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases and of bailiifs in attendance upon same when ordered by the court, and per diems F , of commissioneis, $29,000: Provided, That the compensation of Jury cbmmlsionem eac jury commissioner for the fiscal year 1925 shall not exceed $250. mw, Paonarxozt srsrmmz Probation officer, $2,200; two assistant proba— tion officers, at $1,400 each; stenographer and typewriter and assistant, $900; contingent expenses; $325; maintenance of motor vehicle used in performance of official duties, at not to exceed $26 per month, $312; in all, $6,537. U I Comrruovsnz For care and protection of the courthouse, under the cm, emo:. direction of the United States marshal of the District of Columbia: Engineer, $1,200; electrician, $900; four watchmen, at $720 each; five laborers, at $600 each; six mewengers, at $720 each; two elevator conductors, at $720 each; clerk to jury commission, $720; telephone operator, $720; attendant in ladies’ waiting room, $300; six charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $16,920, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General. Bevan M For repairs and improvements to the courthouse, includixggorepair and maintenance of the mechanical equi ment, and for l r and material and every item incident thereto, g2,500, to be expended under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol. COURT OF Court of Appeals. Salaries: Chief justice, $9,000; two associatsogustices, at $8,500 °°l°"°°` each; clerk, $4,250, and $250 additional as cu ian of the Court of Appeals Building; assistant or deputy clerk, $2,250; reporter P $1,500: Provided, That the reports issued by him shall not be sold sustshpom for more than $5 per volume; crier, who shall also act as stenographer and typewriter in the clerk’s office when not engaged in court room, $1,200; three messengers, at $720 each; three stenographers, one for the chief justice and one for each associate justice, at $1,200 each; necessary expenditures in the conduct of the clerk’s office, $950; in all $42,160. Cm mx , md Building: Two watchman, at $720 each; elevator conductor, $7 20: am. ’ ‘ ° ` three laborers, at $600 each; mechanician (under the direction of the _ Architect of the Capitol), $1,200: Provided, That_the clerk of the tL“°"” Court of Appeals shall be the custodian of said building, under the gérection and supervision of the justices of said court; m all, ,160. _ For mops, brooms, buckets, disinfectants, removal_ of refuse, elec- °°°“°°¤° "' E"` trical supplies, books, and all other necessary and mcidentall expenses not otherwise provided for, $800.