SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 303. 1924. 581 twenty-one pages for the Senate Chamber, at the rate of $3.30 Pmper day each during the session, $8,385.30; in all, $196,555.30. For police force for Senate Office Building under the Sergeant at Arms: Sixteen privates, at $1,360 each; special officer, $1,520; in all, $23,280. Post mm rosr ormcn ° · _ Salaries: Postmaster, $2,740; chief clerk, $2,150; eight mail car· P"“"““”°"°t°‘ mers and one wagon master, at $1,520 each; three riding pages, at $1,220 each; in all, $22,230. ronnmo Room I"°"““‘“°°"‘· Salaries: Superintendent, $2,400; foreman, $1,940; assistant, S“p°'i““’“°°“t’°°°‘ $1,730 _; clerk, $1,520; fo1ders—seven at $1,310 each, seven at $1,140 each; in all, $24,740. coN·r1Nor1x*r nxrnusns or mm SENATE C°°ti“g°°°°‘p°“°‘ _ ‘ For stationery for Senators and the President of the Senate, in- Smi°"°"° gg1dip8g$gg,% for stationery for committees and officers of the na . t}Losti1gc;1%0amps: 1?`c§ office of Secretary, $200; office of Sergeant P°m“°S°°"‘pS‘ a rms · in a 00. _ For niaintaining, iexchanging, and equippintg motor vehicles for M°t°"°m°l°°' caiéryépg the mark and ger official use of the offices of the Secretary an rgeant at rms 10000. _ _ _For driving, maintehance, and operation of an automobile for the 1>¤:$lli?b°l°’ Vl°° V? P’“i"°“§’ i3*5%°·00· 0.,000 me or ma eria s or o mg . ‘ Fo; foldi3g$speeches and pamphlets, at a rate not exceeding $1 per thousand 10 000. · _ $2F f I .] d d · · 1 • f 1 be Fllél oil BEC or ue , 01, co on waste, an a verusing, exc usive o a r, ’ ' ,000. For purchase of furniture, $5,000. F°m°°'°` 1 blgor $materials for furniture and repairs of same, exclusive of a r 3,000. For services in cleaning, repairing and varnishing furniture,
l)0XBS, ]};a:;ili:eli1`lx°S·ware·
For rent o warehouse for storage of public documents, $1,800. kegise- ua we For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, $125,000. {n::°,,,,g°`:':; For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, ¢iz¤¢¤<>¤s. including compensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as may he fixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Con- Itingent Expenses of the Senate, but not exceeding 25 cents per undred words $150 000. . _ For reporting the idebates and proceedings of the Senate, payable Repming d°b°t°S` in equal month y installments, $44,84-4. mm Hmm and _For repairs, improvements, equipment, and supplies for Senate rétaurants kitchens and restaurants, Capitol Building and Senate Office Buildingxmcluding gersonal and other services, to be expended from the contingent fun of the Senate, under the supervision of the Committee on Rules, United States Senate, $35,000. Housn or nnrnnsnnryrwns 0’%...°'%’° °‘ "°"'°“°"“" sananuzs Ann mnmaon or Mmxmzns For compensation of Members of the House of Representatives, gn ¤.¤n·' Delegates from Territories, the Resident Commissioner from Porto °°°‘ °°"”“"‘*°°‘”‘