586 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. On. 203. 1924. of the Official Register; reparing and indexing the statistical regl . . Egrts of the Clerk of the_ ouse; compiling the telephone and Memrs_ directoriespprepariné and mdexing the dai y Calendars of Busmess; preparing the o cial statement of Members’ voting records; lgrepariag jand uidexing questimgs of lgrder printed in the appen x to the ourna pursuant to ouse ule III· and for recordmv and filing statements of political committees and candidates for nomination and election to the House of Representatives pursuant to the campaign contribution laws, $5,000. °°"“°"°“°°‘ carrron romcn . 5‘;,{;_p_,,,_— Salaries: Captain, $2,150; three lieutenants, at $1,520 each; two gpecial officers, at $1,520 each; three sergeants, at $1,410 each; forty- our privates, at $1,360 each; one—half of said privates to be selected byghe Serfegntlgt Arms of1fh§7Senate and one—half by the Sergeant a rmso the ouse·ina 3820. C°°“”‘°"""’°"S°" For contingent expenses $200 , U'“""_._ _““‘ For purchasing and su uniforms to Capitol olice $3 000 ,,2,`Z”°° °' em One-half of the foregoiiig amounts under “Capitol ll’olice" shall · be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-half by the Clerk of the House. p3.$.‘::f.,?°*“*“‘°‘°° °“ Jonvr comnrmn on rmxriue $§‘iT§,f°§_·w,_ For clerk, $4,000; inspector, under section 20 of the Act approved _ January 12, 1895, $2,490; ass1stant_clerk and stenographer, $2,100; h§*{¤¢*•=°°*°¤**' Dm for expenses of compiling, preparing, and indexing the Congres- ··¢¢.p. ua sional Directory, $1,600; in all, $10,190, one~half to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. ’*¤=¤*=·****·=C······=‘·¢*· OFFIGE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL
°'°· For salaries and expenses of maintenance of the Hi { 1 -
1222;-;;l*‘· five Counsel, as agthorized by section 1303 of the (lle(:er(:ueLA%tS gf 1918 as amended y the Revenue Act of 1924, $40,000, one-half of such amount to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-half by the Clerk of the House of Representatives. ,,,.?§§f,°,,‘§°“‘ °' °"""* STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS g§;Er,;;”%§$‘?;i,°{{€§ For preparation, under the direction of the Committees on Appl-,)- · priations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the statements for the first session of the Sixty-eighth Congress, showing apgropriagpns miteile, 1I\(§8H!llt? &ppIi0p{‘18.t10¤S,fancg contracts author- F ize _ oge_ er wi 1 a_cirono0<r1ca ustory o the re l . "°‘·’"·"·”"· pmation bills, as required by lacivv, $4,000, to be paid teglillr psbggdgs Pm %sign;t;dTl¥ the ghairmen of said committees to do the work; Dagaag; lm d_ _ ravi e at in ieu of the data relatin to iii had 01 e omitted aiid salaries increased and reduced, gmc stgteggntrgliall hziig after contain such additional infomation concerning estimates and appropriations as the committees may deem necessary. ,,;?’°“"*"‘°'*“·’”¤*"` ARCHITECT or THE cyxrrron orrxca or Ancmracr or me carrror. ,,,;’f'°""°°’·°*"°""°"‘· Salaries: Architect of the Capitol, $6,000; chief clerk and accountant, $3,150; civil engineer, $2,770; two clerks, at $1,840 each; com-