Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/625

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594 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. CHS. 305-307. 1924. _ veyed sections 1, 12, and 13, township 37 south, range 4, all west of %{'f{,“,'f;b,,,,,,,m,d_ the Salt Lake meridian, in the State of Utah: Pro/vided, That all the land within the exterior boundaries of the aforesaid tract shall _ _ _ first become the property of the United States. _ ,,,;§ §§$3; Sec. 2. That the administration, protection, and promotion of S¤*’“°¤— said Utah National Park shall be exercised under the direction _ of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, V°·“°·"·5°'5‘ subject to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916 entitled "An Actvto establish a National Park Service, and for other ur oses. ,,,,’f,',;_,Y,'f"" °"“"·°‘°·* P Siic. 3. That nothing herein contained shall affect any valid existing claim, location, or entry under the land laws of the United States, whether for homscilstpadkmineial, rilght cg way, mil any other 1u·pose whatsoever, or al a act the ri ts 0 any suc claimant, §'°¤§$ge°,,,,cn,,ed Focator, or entryman to the full use anizl enjoyment of his land: 1Ig¤¤ls,i¤.m;¤§i gw Promkled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authornmd ” ’ °t° °° to exchan e, in his discretion, alienated lands in this and Zion National §ark for unappropriated and unreserved public lands of equal value and ap roximately equal area in the State of Utah outside of said parks. Approved, June 7, 1924. Jug CHAP. 306.-—An Act Providing for the disposal of certain lands on Crooked Irumic, No.¤8-l and Pickerel Lakes, Michigan, an for other purposes. bu,,h,,,,,_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentattves o the Ogwymgkmgz United States of America. in Congress assézbledjl That uponfthe Madam. survey of any public landisherrorieously oimttedf from the ggiginal surve ound to exist wi in the area ereto ore surve and $res)bnted upon the official plat of township 35 north, rangg;4 west, _ 1Chlg8.I1 meridian, Michigan, approved February 9, 1841, on file in the General Land Office as a. meandered lake, and said lake now m,,,,,,,m ,0 ,d,,,_ appearing as two lakes, locally known as Crooked Lake and Pickerel ¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤r¤- La e, in sections 20, 21, 22, 27 28, and 29, the owners of adjacent lands shall have a preference right to purchase such lands so surveyed ‘ for lp period of gingy dy; afteii th; fiéiing of Ltihe approv§ plkit of S swam ,3,,dSg suc survey in the nite tatcs an 0 ce at arquette, ic an ¤¤¤¢i:i¤i p to be appraised at not less than $1.25 per acre, and that the Slate ,-0, 9, p_ 5,,,, of Michigan be allowed to select such of the lands as may have inured ,,.,,,,,_,,,_ to the State under the Act of Sfrlptember 28, 1850 (Ninth Statutes , iyjlor new ¤<>¢ M- at Lai- e, page 519): Provided, at nothing herein contained shall N have the efiect of defeating the rights of any person or the State 0; Michigan which may have attached to such lands or any part t ereof. R°"“““°‘“· Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make all necessary regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act. Approved, June 7, 1924. __ Jail; bade?. CHAP. 307.-—An Act Authorizing the addition of certain lands to the Medi. IP¤*>1l¤. No- 22%%} cine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, and for other purposes. ,,,,,,,0;,,,, Bw, N, Be it enacted by the Senate and H owe of Representatives of the ¤<>€:¤¤d1;¤;§SgédV{g¤· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President, ` upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized to add to the Medicine Bow National Forest the public lands within townships 14 and 15 north, range 77 west, sixth principal meridian, State of Wyoming, which may be determined to be chieiiy valuable for national forest