596 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 309-311. 1924. urpose of meetin the ro rtionate expense of providing a drain- P system for fogr thossaiid eight hundred and eightylgseven acres d?Piute Indian lands in the State of Nevada within t Newlands Mm t project of the Reclamation Service. _ ` “The money herein authorized to be appropmated shall be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions o law applicable to said Indian lands." Approved, June 7, 1924. nig? CHAP. 310.-An Act Authorizing an appropriation to enable the Secretary
of the Interior to purchase a tract of land, with sumcient water right attached,
§>`1;ttheVn£1e6;.n1clIp`p§:i1p‘ancy of the Temoak Band of homeless Indians, located at y I N,'f;°;gg§* l°‘“““°`*· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the rwenaecsnanpewa United States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That the sum of ie`i;?ii”rid¤;°i#m¤mi* $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is herebg authorized to be appropriated, out of an moneys in the United tates Treasury not otllierwise appropriated? to enable the Secretary of ' the Interior to purchase a tract of land, with sufficient water right _ attached, for the use and occupancy of the Temoak Band of home— glglion or aus. less Indians, located at Ruby Valley, Nevada: Provided, That the title tg land is to be held in the United States for the benefit of said n ians. Approved, June 7, 1924. Im: CHAP. 311.—An Act For the relief of settlers and town-site occupants of [Public, Nc. mj certain lands in the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, Nevada. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the P d me h_United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Seca¤mmr'fis¤rvsti¤¤,retary of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell to settlers or their Ng‘§gg°·w mm ,,,,transferees, under such terms, conditions and price r acre as the {a¤d€hip!h¤¤§1w;g·”¤wé;said Secretary may prescribe, any lands in the gyramid Lake Sm. Indian Reservation, in the State of Nevada, that have been settled upon, occupied, and improved (bg said settlers and their trans- _ ferees in pood faith for a peri of twenty-one years or more §_",.§§,§§‘l,m,,_ immediate y preceding the assage of this Act: Provided, That no mma cm mm more than six hundred and) forty acres shall be sold to any one ssiemw. person or corporation: Provided further, That said sales shall be y private cash entry after it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior that the lands applied for have been settled upon, occulpied, and improved as required by this Act, and in addition to suc price per acre as ma be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior all entrymen hereunder sliall pay the same fees and P to mlm dcommissions as provided by law where public lands are disposed of rims imma on M. at $1.25 per acre. The proceeds of said sales shall be deposited in
- ~‘"=*‘*°¤- the Treasury of the United States and be subject to appropriations
by CI¢:1%gsls for the Piute Indians of the said Pyramid Lake Indian a . ?¤i$f;?;ii1£iiii°Z$ SDC. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is also authorized to ¤¤¤¤s¤f¤>w¤!¤¢¤· have a_ survey and plat made of the town of Wadsworth, in said RS. m·m,p_m_Pyrand Lake Indian_Reservation, and thereafter sell the unpat- ’ ented lands embraced in the said town as provided for by section 2384 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and on compli- Pmmm ance with said statute the purchasers of the lots shall acquire tmc diissmmmns re.: ni- as provided for by the said statute: Pro/vzkled, That any lands ““‘ within the limits o said town used for Indian school purposes or for other public use for Indians shall be, and the same are hereby,