SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 315. 1924. 601 holds a license from a similar dental board, with requirements equal to those of the District of Columbia, and who, for five consecutive S8f“°* Prwiw ¤¤¢¤S· years next prior to filing his application, has been in the lawful and y' reputable practice of dentistry in the State or Territory of the United _ _ States from which he applies: Provided, That the laws of such .,;S,`{,t{{§;°°,,fQ{,,’f,°°,Y,'d]§“,g€ State or Territory accord equal rights to a dentist of the District m°’“°°¤=‘°*>S- of Columbia holding a license from the board of dental examiners of the District of Columbia, who desires to practice his profession _ · in such State or Territory of the United States. An applicant q,E,Y,H°°°°’ °t°" '°' desiring to register in the District of Columbia under this section must furnish the board of dental examiners with a letter from the ‘ secretary of the board of dental examiners under seal of the State or Territory of the United States from which he applies, which shall state that he has been in the lawful and reputable practice of dentistry in the State from which he applies for live years next prior to filing his application, and shall also attest to his moral character and professional qualifications. _ d Sec. 10. If such applicant passes the examination and is of good a§°.,T,$e,lL§°fi°°°' °“ moral character, he shall receive a license from the board of dental examiners, attested by its seal, signed by the members of the board, and registered with the health officer, which after bein registered with the health officer shall be conclusive evidence of his right to D H to mm U practice dentistry in the District of Columbia. If the loss of a itseilp °° license is satisfactorily shown, a duplicate thereof shall be issued by the board upon payment of the required fee. _ _ _ Sec. 11. Any person of good moral character, being not less than 8§,,'},‘§§‘,‘§§§,’§;,,,,,,,,. eighteen years of age, who desires to register as an oral hygienist *¤*¤°*°¤ ¤¤· in the District of Columbia, and files with the secretary-treasurer of the board of dental examiners a written application for a license, and furnishes satisfactory proof that he is a graduate of a training school for oral hygienists requiring a course of not less than one _ _ academic year, and approved by the board of dental examiners, may A°°h°°°‘°°` make application to be licensed as an oral hygienist in the District of Columbia upon the form prescribed by the board, verified by oath, and accompanied by the required fee ($10) and a recent unmounted autographed photograph of the applicant. b SHG. 12. An applicant for a license as oral hygienist shall appear d.§{§°i,l§`,.°,Ei?° Y before the board of dental examiners at its first examination after the hl1ng of his application and pass a satisfactory examination con· Slsting of practical demonstrations and written or oral tests on such mmm umd on subjects as the board may direct. If such applicant passes the ex- pissing. ammation and is of good moral character, he shall receive a license from the board of dental examiners, attested by its seal, signed by the members of the board, which after being registered with the health officer shall be conclusive evidence of his right to practice as an ora.l hygienist in the District of Columbia according to the provisions of this Act. _ _ _ Sec. 13. Any person of good moral character and not less than ,,,Q*’,§?}§“?§,,',.§ ¥,§§§Z Qgbteen years of ave who within the period of three months imme- g¤;:1,St*;¤d°’ u°°¤5°d diately following the passage of this Act, shall register his name ` with the Board of Dental Examiners, upon showing two years actual experience under the direction of a licensed dentist and assing such examination as the board may direct, may be licensed) as an oral hygienist in the District of Columbia. E t mw _ EC. 14. Any licensed dentist, public institution, or school author- .,4 §§“iZ¤y§?,°gZm. ' ity may employ such licensed oral hygienist, who may remove calcic deposits, accretions, and stains from the surfaces of the teeth, but shall not perform any other operation on the teeth or tissues of the Cmdmuus mouth. . registered oral hygienist may operate only under the glmeral direction or supervision of a licensed dentist, in his oiioe