608 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. who have stood in loco parentis to a member of the military or naval forces at any time prior to his enlistment or induction for a period of not less than one year. “;‘5"°“’°"`°“‘*"“*“‘ (6) The terms "brother" and "sister" include brothers and sisters ` of the half blood as well as those of the whole blood, stepbrothers and ste sisters, and brothers and sisters through adoption. E*'¤'¤*°¤· (7) 'lllie terms "brother" and "sister" include the children of a person who, for a period of not less than one year, stood in loco arentis to a member of the military or naval forces of the United States at antyatirne plilior tg enlistuient or 1il1duction,dor anothelri member of same ouse o as to w om suc person uring suc _ period likewise stood in loco parentis. ··g¤mmi¤¤i¤¤¤d cm- (8) The term "commissioned officer" includes a warrant officer, °°" but includ}:-is only basin éaificer in active service in the military or naval forces of the Um tates. ,,sQ{g;_,.•¤d “°** (9) The terms "man" and “enlisted man " mean a aperson, whether remismeuaea. male or female and whether enlisted, enrolled, or dr ted mto active service in the military or naval forces of the United States, and in- . clude noncommissioned and petty officers and members of training camps authorized by law. “E¤“$'·¤°°’·" (10) The term "en1istment" includes voluntary enlistment, draft, %nd erércéllment in active service in the militaiy or naval forces of the nite tates. ··m1m-y." (11) The term "inj1u·y" includes disease. _ _ _ (12) The term "pay ’ means the pa? for service in the United I States according to grade and length o service, excluding all allowan es. ,°:}_{!l”°'¥ °' °°"‘ (13) The term "military or naval fo1'COS" means the Army, the Navi? the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserves, the ational Naval Volunteers, and any other branch of the United Slésates service while serving pursuant to law with the Army or the avy. · “W“"‘* W°'·"°’·°· (14) The terms "World War," "du.ring the (period of the war," and "during the World War" mean the perio beginning April 6, _ 1917, and ending July 2, 1921. °,‘;,§°},°;§§¤‘¤**“‘”° (15) The terms " ate of termination of the war" and "termina- V www Hmm tion of the war" mean July 2, 1921. _ Egmmsm naar Sec. 4. There IS established an independent bureau under the ¤¤%1;r¤si¤e¤h7 President to be known as the United States Veterans’ B1u·eau, the Dm "‘ ‘ { t director of which shall be appointed by the President by and w-ith menemdréaiugimn the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director of the United State§1Veterap3’ Bureau shall receive a salary of $10,000 per annum, pa a e mont y. m ’€l,{EE€ “d' flglierg shall be inlclugpfd gp the technical and administrative staff °- P- o e irector suc st officers experts ins tors and ass' t t as the director shall prescribe; arid there shall bgcin tlie United1StliJte; E I b Veterans’ Bureau such sections and subdivisions thereof as the director siv£"sE.3¥&?i$$.,{Ht° slléall jgpscrilbe. With suivlhliiceptions as this President maly deem visa e, a employees s a e su ject to e civil·service aw and _ _ re ations made thereimder. pJ}°l$`°$§e§°£a?vié°iiii giic. 5. The director, subject to the general direction of the
- ·°°°*- glrgsiilent, sgliarll agimmster, exelcniteii andueilnforce the dprovisions of
ct, an or t at purposes a ave poweran auth 't to make miles and regulations, not inconsistent with the proviglolng of mm Omedsiomr this wlhich are necessary or appropriate to_ carry out its purposes, an s _ ecide all questions arising under this Act and all decisions of questions of fact affecting any claimant to the benefits of Titles II _ t { d III, or IV of this Act, shall e conclusive except as otherwise provided ¤£“"““°“ ° °' herein. All officers and employees of the bureau shagnperform such duties as may be assigned them by the director. official acts