SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. 61]. management, or control of which have heretofore been transferred by the President to said Bureau dpursuant to the authority contained V0, ,2 P ,50 in section 9 of the Act entitle "An Act to establish a Veterans’ ’ ` Bureau and to improve the facilities and service of such Bureau and further to amend and modify the War Risk Insurance Act, approved Airigpst 9, 1921." nc. 11. e director is hereby authorized to make such rules c0},l§‘§Zi*§f°§,}’{§,§’,§’§§ and regulations as may be deemed necessary in order to promote *¤°¤¤i*¤1S·°*¤· good conduct on the part of persons who are receiving care or treatment in hospitals, homes, or institutions as atients or beneficiaries of said bureau during their stay in suc£ hospitals, Pemltiesforbmmbes homes, institutions, or training centers. Penalties for the breach of tumor. such rules and ryulations may, with the approval of the director, extend to a fo eiture bymghe 0Hender of such portion of the compensation Hxrable to , not exceeding three-fourths of the monthly insta ent per month for three months, for a breach committed while receiving treatment in such hospital, home institution, or training center as may be prescribed by such rules and regilations. nc. 12. That the bureau is hereby authorized and em owered ,.,,A°,‘Z,°h*§°§§j°,§,i§{,,“;'§? to receive, for purposes of benefits provided by Title IVPhereof, ”¤g£‘§j§*}; 62., such gifts and onations from either public or private sources as ` ` may e offered unconditionally. All moneys so received as gifts f,,,1;§’f"l,§`,,§'°‘},;‘§°{:,'K or donations shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, ¤¤d°· and shall constitute a permanent fund to be called the "Special fund for vocational rehabilitation, " to be used under the direction of the said bureau in connection with the appropriations hereby made or hereafter to be made, to defray the expenses of providing and Rum 0, min
courses of vocational rehabilitation; and a full report of ac.
all gifts and donations offered and accepted and all disbursements therefrom shall be submitted annually to Congress b the director. mmm xpm _ Sm. 13. All sums heretofore appropriated for use gy the Federal tiomtu wmamaliiiiii Board for Vocational Education as a revolving fund, not exceeding {‘l‘,i,,§§Y“°°"'“° °‘ $500,000, may be used by the bureau as a revolving fund for the purpose of ma ingadvancement to persons commencinlg orundergoiug G trainingpmder Title IV hereof, such advancements to ear no interest P"' °‘°‘7‘ and to e reimbursed in such installments as may be determined by the director b proper deductions from the monthly maintenance and support aiowances allowed by this Act. www mm, m_ Sec. 14. That the director of the United States Veterans’ Bureau poem comm. shall on the first Monday in December of each year file with the l°l'°’°'m* Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate a full and complete report of all activities of the United States Veterans’ Bureau, showing in detail the number of claimants and the amount of compensation paid, the number of veterans of the various wars and expeditions receivin hospitalization and medical treatment, the number of dependents drawing compensation and the amount of such compensation, the number of persons holding and paying for Government life insurance, and a full and itemized statemedtlucgf all mopeyshreceivedr and disbuxsed by the director, or an o a ents, ort e rece mg year. Sing 15. Allgsums heretofbre appropriated for carrying out the p»§¤]»Ksr:°`£fie;p$`1i°ri°eri, provisions of the War Risk Insuance Act and amendments thereto "‘Q?;“L“";";; and to carry out the rovisions of the Act entitled ‘fAn Act to provide ’ ` for vocational rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled persons discharged from the military or naval orces of the United States, and for other purposes, " approved June 27, 1918, and amendments thereto, and all sums heretofore appropriated for V0, up M7 carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An ct to establish ` ' a Veterans’ Bureau and to im rovc the facilities and service of such bureau, and further to amend) and modify the War Risk Insurance