Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/650

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six·rY-n1eHTH ooivennss. sms. 1.· ca. sae. 1924. 619 of earning capacity resulf from such injuries in civil occupations similar to the occupation olfnghe injured man at the time of enlistment and not upon the impairment in earningcapacity in each individual case, so that there shall be no reduction in the rate of compensation for individual success in overcominl.5 the handicap of an injury. The_bureau adopting the sched e of ratings of reduction m earning capac1ty shall consider the impairment in ability to secure Read. t t to employment which results from such injuries. The bureau shall avesaieguiifu from time to time readjust this schedule of ratin whenever actual experience shall show that it is unjlust to the disaglied veteran. Nm or mmm (5) If the disabled person is so _ elpless as to be in constant need aiiewmee. of a nurse or attendant, such additional sum shall be paid, but not exceeding $50 per month, as the director may deem reasonable. (6) In addition to the comtpensation above provided, the injured g,,1§ f§‘,;§}‘{g person shall be furnished_ by e United States such reasonable gov- g·;l:¤g¤£:_¤¤ Sway- ernmental medical, surgical, and hospital services, including edpay- pt.a,p.1alE ` ment of court costs and other expenses incident to proce ings heretofore or hereafter taken for commitment of mentally incompetent persons to hospitals for the care and treatment of the insane, and shal1_be furnished with such supplies, including wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances, as the director may determme to be useful and reasonably necessary, which wheel chaus, artificial lmibs, trusses, and similar appliances may be procured by ge m suchdmtznner, eittgiei byupurclaiase or ma:l1ufa.cture,b?s e ecrma ermme e van eousanreasonay _ — necessary: Provided, That nothing in this acatlgshall be construed to f§',,,"§°,;,N,,,,,,,u, affect the necessaxilitary control over any member of the Military :g&rt;dd¤¢¤¤ ¤·>¢ or Naval Estabhs ents before he shall have been discharged from ` the military or naval service. (7) Where any disabled person having neither wife, child,_nor m%g;°,g°¤’°,§°’;€u{‘j;’ dependent parent shall, after July 1, 1924, have been maintained Dsycbiatric msviws. by the bureau for a period or periods amountipg to six months in a °°$%,,,,_p_m·,·_ neuropsychiatric hospital or hospitals, and sh be deemed by the director to be permanently insane, the compensation for suclhpeison shall thereafter be $20 per month so long as he shall there ter be maintained by the bureau in a neuropsychiatric hosfpital or hospitals; and such compensation may, in the discretion o the director, be Pgld tlc; the chxetéoflicer of said hoapjtallfto ble; used for benefit ,,m,M_ o_ suc patient: r , at suc patient s recover Amnesia allowance hgdreason and shall be discharge;] from such hoslpital as cured, an °°'°°°°°"" a itnonal amount of $60 per month shall be pai to for each minlthtlie rate of compensation was reduced as provided by this su ivision. _ The compensation of any inmate of an asylum or hospital for the rorpuiiiliiniisiiaiwpim IHSSDQ, or any part thereof, may, in the discretion of the director, 54: pgicid E; tlge chief officer of said asylum or hospital to be used for e ne o suc inmate. mmuiu After June 30, 1927, the monthly rate of comlpensation for all ;¤;¤j>l:¤£¤i°;;{wrt{l¤e¤;:¤3g. Véteragis (other than those totally and permanent { disabled) , who ami °° ` are being maintained by the bureau in a hospital o any desc;]1-ption indccvghsoi are without wife, child, or dependent parent, sh not exc 0, _ _ ($) The <ljJ‘0ctor shall prescribe b regulation the conditions and mgsgiiiiiigatjséiiln W llmltations whereby all patients or gene ciaries of l3l16•bll1`€8u who ea. up ’ ure receiving treatment through the bureau as patients in a hospital may allot anti proportion or proportions or arg; fixed amount or amounts of e1r monthly compensation for su purpom and for thin benefit of such person or persons as they may duect. _ U n I I, B, (7880 such patient has not allotted three-fourths of his monthly ea¤p.=;¢li:¤m¤•y be opmpeusauonand1neasethed1rectorshallfindthatbygrossr1is·§,;,¤f“ """ srpation he is retarding his own progress to recovery, thm rgulahons