Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/652

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. 621 regard to the nature or origin of their disabilities: Promkied, That to md preference to admission to any Government hospital for hospitaliza- veterans. Y tion imder the provisions of this subdivision shall be given to those veterans who are financially unable to pay for hospitalization and Pm ,308 their necessary travelinguexpenses. p` ' (11) The director sha have the same power, and shall be sub'ect p,§,g‘°e&* =¤*¤>1¤¤ suvto the same limitations, in the sale of surplus or condemned supplies, Vdl. 42:1)- 666,amendmaterial, and other personal propert as now pertains to the °d" Secretary of War. The Director is authorized to make regulations m£fZ'{,‘?’}l,,r‘£.§¤rZiti°1°° governing the disposal of articles produced by patients of such ureau in the course of their curative treatment, or to allow the patients to sell or to retain such articles. ‘ _ (12) Where the disabled person is a patient in a hospital or .,,,‘,§°'§'f,§2{’,',§§}"§’{’,§,,,,i§§ where for any other reason the disabled person and his wife are not ¤°*ii"*¤¤ togetheliving together, or where the children are not in the custody of the disab ed [person, the amount of the compensation shall be apportioned as may e prescribed by regulations. . Auowmmds ¤d_ (13) The term "wife" as used in this section shall include emmsbaso. °° "husband" if the husband is de endent upon the wife for support. Trans mama (14) That the bureau is authorized to furnish transportation, meager sgwaas, mj also the medical, singical, and hospital services and the supplies §‘},§lE§§’}f,‘;‘E,‘,l,{“°m°°” and appliances provided by subdivision (6) hereof, to discharged V°l-4*-v-37* members of the military or naval forces of those overnments which have been associated in war with the United %tates since April 6, 1917, and come within the provisions of laws of such governments similar to this Act, at such rates and under such Ummm ummm regulations as the director may prescribe; and the bureau is hereby services by snag authorized to utilize the similar services, supplies, and appliances §§,’§‘}§'§§‘g§}‘*S'”Am"* provided for the discharged members of the military an naval orces of those governments which have been associated in war with the United States since April 6, 1917, by the laws of such governments similar to this Act, in furnishrn the discharged members of the military and naval forces of the United States who live within the territorial limits of such overnments and come within the provisions of subdivision (6) thereof, with the Services, supplies, and ap liances provided for in such subdivision; Fund, ,,,,u,,,,,,_ and any appropriations that have been or may hereafter be made for the (purpose of furnishing the services, supplies, and appliances provide for by subdivision (6) hereof are hereby made available or the payment to such overnments or their agencies for the services, supplies, and appgances so furnished at such rates and under such regulations as the director may prescribe. Om ,0 to (15) That any gerson who is now receiving augratuity or pension a,r,s£.-}°}$l°5e,5Z° " from the United tates under existing law sh not receive compensation under this section unless he shall first surrender all claim E im to further payments of such gratuity or pension, except as provided 4“;°p° l` m subdivision 7 or section 201. £,"‘·"·“ ’· { if Q6) No compensation hereunder shall be paid for the period MER-§,°gT§§,"§§;§?m during which any such erson is being furnished by the bureau a ’°PP°'*· °“°· Gqurse of vocational relifabilitation and support as authorized in P°"{p‘°m' Title _IV hereof; Promded, however, That in the event any person §I,‘L""ug.¤°,, 0;,,.,,. gyrsmrig a course of vocational rehabilitation is entitled under m°""- rtle I of this Act to com nsation in an amount in excess of the payments made to him unggr Title IV hereof for his support and the support of his dependents, if any, the bureau shall pay monthly to suc person such additional amount as mgy be necessary to equal the total compensation due under Title hereof. _ C ms mt (17) That no changes in rates of compensation made by thm M3:. Act shall be retroactive in effect.