Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/654

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. 623 Sec. 209. That no compensation shaH be payable and that (except $83;; cg}; M we as rovided by subdivision (10) of section 202 hereof) no treatment Exception. ` shall be furnis ed unless a claim therefore be filed in case of disability {}§'{‘;(}f,,‘??,%7,,,,,,,,,,d_ within five years after discharge or resignation from the service, or, edin case of death durin(g the service, within five years after such death is oihcially recor ed in the department under which he may Prom be serving: Provided, however, That where compensation is payable nea¢uié¢c.,¤rm·1sa for death or disability occurring after discharge or resignation °”""‘°· flromhthe iarwéice, claim bdelsrxiaille within five years after such eat ort e eg1nmng` o suc a "ty. The time herein provided may be extended by the director not Em°si°"°°'mm°°‘ to exceed two years for good cause shown. If at the time that F°'m"’°”’°t°‘ any right accrues to any person under the provisions of this title such person is a minor, or is of unsound mind or physically unable to make a claim, the time herein provided shall not begin to run rmtil such disability ceases. Bm ms Sec. 210. That no compensation shall be payable for any period Smead. mm r°` more than one year prior to the date of claim therefor, nor shall ,,dY°'·‘°·p·‘°°·°“‘°““' increased compensation be awarded to revert back more than six months prior to the date of claim therefor. Except in case of fraud participated in by the beneficiary, no reduction in compensation shall be maAe retroactive. C t. Sec. 211. Compensation because of disability or death of members mnguirmmgsei iii? rig ih of the Army Nurse Corps (female) or of the Navy Nurse Corps {§’“ {’{,,§,";§,,§{3f,n*{*1“g}_€E (female) shall be in lieu of any compensation for such disability or plgvgwég 742 death under the Act entitled "An Act to provide compensation for °' ’°` ' employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performgnrig of their duties, and for other purposes," approved September , 16. Sec. 212. This Act is intended to provide a system for the relief P°r°°°°°u°°’ of persons who were disabled, and for the dependents of those who (118. as a result of disability suffered in the military service of the _ United States between April 6, 1917, and July 2, 1921. For such ,,,2§"},°,f,‘§f,§‘,’n"@},‘f,3,§°°‘• disabilities and deaths no other pension laws or laws providinjlfor gratuities or ayments in the event of death in the service sh be _ applicable: gz-ovided, however, That the laws relating to the retire- {{,'{'{§f,'§;,,,,, 1,,,,, e,- ment of persons in the regular military or naval service shall not be °¤¤*°d· considered to be laws providing for pensions, gratuities, or payments Within the meaning of this section: And provided furt er, That w§3°,,¥°,§g”,‘§‘§°,$£;§§ gwmpensation under this title shall not be paid while the person is Se i i t m_receipt of active service or retirement pay. Titles II and IV of appllzaiiele fircidmpiithis Act shall not be a plicable to any disability or resultant death ““’ '°*‘“*" “°‘ m the service if such disability occurred as a result of service prior to April 6, 1917, or after July 2, 1921. mums I . M Sec. 213. That where any beneficiary of this bureau suffers or my has suffered an injury or an aggravation of an existing in°ury as "“;,,‘§j¢,;§§;,_ the result of traimng, hospitalization, or medical or surgical treatment, awarded to him by the director and not the result of his misconduct, and such in'ury or aggravation of an existing injury results in additional disabiiity to or the death of such beneficiaix the benehts of this title shall be awarded in the same manner as ough such disability, avation, or death was the result of military _ §€i'Yl0€ during the %oi-ld War. The benefits of this section shall be ,,,§‘,§§{.,°é 111 hell of the benefits under the Act entitled ‘An Act_t0 provide °mP*°>'°“· wippensation for employees of the United States suifering mjunes v°L °°‘°‘m“ while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes] Deductions if my- 8 proved September 7, 1916; and from any payments due ereunder mmummumsag

 deducted all amounts paid by any (Semen other thanatgmted P°”°'“·

S as dam or compensation or su injury aggrav gr, 91* ,, , death: That application be made for such benefits wrthm ·r¤.¤.ma¤¤¤. 4582*-25T—-42