SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. 627 a sum equal to the amount such lien or indebtedness exceeds the then cash surrender value. _ _ _ Sec. 307. All such policies of insiuance heretofore or hereafter ,,€;§’1§§°f,}§‘,$§’{,‘§?s°°“l* issued shall be incontestable after the insurance has been in force Ex t. H six months from the date of issuance or reinstatement, except for Aniiaiieia. fraud or non ayment of premiums and sub'ect to the provisions of P . section 23: Igrowkled, That a letter mailed] b the bureau to the ifiiiiiig deemed insured at his last known address informing of the invalidity “°“°B °‘°°“““‘· of his insurance shall be deemed a contest within the meanin of mmm A ri, 6 this section: Promkled further, That this section shall be deemed to mi. D ’ be in effect as of April 6, 1917. TITLE IV. bigggiagional reha- Sec. 400. That every person who was enlisted, enrolled, drafted, ,,d],§'{§$ °{,'§§§,’§,‘{,,°§ inducted, or appointed in the military or naval forces of the United P*>*§°¤S· States, including members of training camps authorized by law and ml °]""*""5°*°’“““d‘ who, has ed or has been discharged or furloughed therefrom, having a disaiilit incurred, increased, or aggravated after April 6, 1917, and before guly 2, 1921, in the military or naval service and not the result of his own willful misconduct, while a member of such forces, or later developing a disability traceable in the opinion of the director to service d said period with such forces, and not the result of his own misconduct, and who, in the opinion of the director, is in need of vocational rehabilitation to overcome com t M mp the handicap of such disability, shall be furnished by the bureau, mma. ° where vocational rehabilitation is feasible, such course of vocational P . rehabilitation as the bureau shall prescribe and provide: Provided, No course commenc- That nothiiig in this section shall operate to terminate any course M of vocation traininfg heretofore prescribed and actually commenced under the Vocation Rehabilitation Act as originallly enacted and subsequently amended where such course was actua y commenced prior to the a proval of this Act. C to be , _ Sec. 401. 'lphe bureau shall have the power, and it shall be its nishlgdlims ur duty until June 30, 1926, to furnish the ersons included in section advvl 4rr»15¤·¤¤¤¤¤d- 400 hereof suitable courses of vocationalp rehabilitation, to be pre- gs m nu for mm scribed and provided by the bureau; and every person electing to mmi¢¤°»¤a dependfollow such a course of vocational rehabilitation shall, while following °“{?;, H 10,,, the same, be paid by the bureau monthly or semimonthly as the ménéxai. ’ p` " director may prescribe such sum as in the judgment of the director IS necessary for his maintenance and support an for the maintenance PMN and supgort of persons depending upon him, if any: Provided, Maxiuium mowed. however, hat in no event shall the sum so paid such person while plirsuing such course be more than $80 er month for a single man Mmmm for without delpendents, or for a man with gependents $100 per month aéiuy. plus the fo owing family allowances: (a) If there is a wife, but no child, $15. _ _ (b) If there is a wife and one child, $25, with $5 per month additional for each additional child. (c) If there is no wife, but one child, $10. (d)_ If there is no wife, but two children, $15, with S5 per month additional for each additional child. _ _ In I au°w_ _ That the bureau may pay, subject to the conditions and limits- ,,..,,°,”:`°°},QmZawms.g Hons prescribed by this title, to all trainees undergoing training ***¥*’°"“"”°°"’· hereunder, residing where the cost of maintenance and support is above the average and comparatively high, in lieu of the monthly payments for maintenance and support prescribed by this title, such sum as in the judgment of the director is necessary for the trainee’s maintenance and support and for the maintenance and _ support of persons deipendent upon him, if any: Provided, howmgen Lhnittdwt That in no event sha the sum so paid such person while pursuing