Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/662

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SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 322. 1924. 631 CHAP. 322.-An Act To amend and reenact sections 20, 22, and 50 of the Juno 7. 1924. Act of March 2, 1917, entitled "An Act to provide a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes." [P“m'°· 1"°·2“·l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eaentatives of the _ United States of America in C' assemglzd, That the first (1;§’§E{’R"§§,,,.,,m,,,, paragraph of section 20 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a ¥"°"**“°¤-S- civil government for Porto Rico, and for other pur oses," a proved March 2, 1917, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read) as follows: "Sec. 20. That there shall be appointed by the President an §}',g‘,,°§fg,,,,,,, ,,,,1 auditor, at an annual salary of $6,000 for a term of four years and ***,*%-39 D 95, mm, until his successor is appointed and qualified, who shall examine, ed. _` ` ’ audit, and settle all accounts pertaining to the revenues and receipts, ¤,E§,’§`f,§i‘,{§,,§§,,‘1§'F' "“ from whatever source, of the Government of Porto Rico and of the municipal governments of Porto Rico, including public trust funds and funds derived from bond issues; and audit, in accordance with law and administrative regulations, all expenditures of funds or property pertaining to or held in trust by the Government of Porto Rico or the municipalities or dependrncies thereof. He shall perform a like duty with respect to all government branches." E i Sec. That section 22 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, dare K?9s°§’§'$€§HZ amend to read as follows: ° · “S1:c. 22. That there shall be appointed by the governor, by and sviggwsmzmby the with the advice and consent of the Senate o Porto Rico, an execu- eua.s,y'°‘° me tive secretary at an annual salary of $5,000, who shall record and preserve the minutes and proceedmgs of the public service commission hereinafter provided for and the laws enacted by the legislature and all acts and prooeedin of the governor, and promulgate all proclamations and orders ofglhe governor and all laws enacted by the legislature, and until otherwise provided by the legislature of Porto Rico perform all the duties of secretary of Porto Rico as now provided by law, except as otherwise specilied in this Act, and perform such other duties as may be assigned Temporary vmm to him by the Governor of Porto Rico. In the event of a vacancy cia. in the office, or the absence, illnem, or temporary disqualification of such officer, the governor shall designate some officer or em(ployee of the government to discharge the functions of said office urmg such vacancy, absence, illness, or temporary disqualification? Sec. 3. That section 50 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, ,dY°1"°·"‘°°"*‘“°°”°' amended to read as follows: Omdmamg i‘Sec. 50. That, except as in this Act otherwise provided, the sal- Payment h·om•i¤suaries of all the officials of Porto Rico not appointed bly the Presi— ‘§_§,,’f,*§`§,‘;“,§‘,,,,g‘,§,,‘§;’,§f"' dent, includin deputies, assistants, and other help, s all be such and be so paid out of the revenues of Porto Rico as shall from time to time be determined b the Legislature of Porto Rico and approved by the governor; andy if the legislature shall fail to make an appropriation for such salaries, the salaries theretofore fixed shall be paid without the necessity of further approgriations therefor. Of maid tm Tliqsalaries of all officers and all expenses of the offices of the various ,.,i,,¤,,,_ °° °°` oihcials of Porto Rico appointed as herein provided by the Presidtml} shall also be paid out of the revenues of Porto Rico on warrant mm _ I of the auditor, countersi ed by the governor. The annual salaries S ` of the following namecgrbiiicials appointed by the President and also those appointed by the Governor of Porto Rico so to be paid shall be: The governor, $10,000; in addition thereto he shall be entitled to the occupan of the buildings heretofore used by the chief executive of Portochico, with the furniture and effects therein, free of rental; heads of executive departments, $6,000; chief Justice of the Szugaaeme Court, $7,500; amociate justice of the SUPINDG L E ut ti 3 ’