Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/665

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634 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 326-328. 1924. J¤¤¤ 7· M4- CHAP. 326.-An Act To authorize the withdrawal of lands for the protec-

 tion of antelope and other game animals and birds.

Be it evuwted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the i}v ’l{¢Df.§l United States of in Congress asserhfbledfv That, subject to gg;-*:'¤d§’;',j‘h§§,f,_§§,‘;j valid existing rights and entries heretofore initiated under the P~¢.r-M1 public land laws, any or all of the following-described lands in Government ownership may be withdrawn from entry and disposition by proclamation of the President for the purpose of protecting and Fmt 1°°dS' rop ating antelope and other game animals and birds: Nationalfbresllz-%ands—Townshi 18 north, e 7 east, Black Hills meridian, section 24, south half? and soutlinhiilf north half; section 25, all; _ township 18 north, range 8 east, sections 17 to 20 inclusive; section P°bl'° 1°°d" 21, west half; sections 29 to 32, inclusive. Public lands—Township 18 north, range 7 east, sections 5 to 9 inclusive; sections 13 to 23, inclusive; section 24,` north half north half; sections 26 to 36 inclusive; and those parts of sections 3, 4, 10, and 11 lying south and

 km, pu, west of the Riva Road: Promlled, That the withdrawal of the lands

poses mr aimed- herein authorized shall not affect existing withdrawals for nationalforest oses. Dfk°ggmgen‘;{m§,Q“‘“ Snc?2];rBI'hat the State of South Dakota is hereby authorized and permitted to erect and maintam a good, substantial fence mclosnng in whole or in part such areas as may be designated and set aside by the President under the authority of section 1 hereof. The State °‘°°“’ °°°"'°°°k°d‘ shall erect and maintain such gates in this fence as may be required by the authorized agents of the Federal Government in the administration of dthe national-forest lands embrfucegs thetiipiln, ordto {provide ' essan essto ersonsoccuyig an wi said incosure. °°°dm°°' 1'llhg; right ofagrhe Statepto maintainpsai fence shall continue so long as the area des` ated b the President shall be given protection by the laws of thelgliate of South Dakota as a game refuge. Approved, June 7, 1924. Iiggé? CHAP. 327.-An Act To authorize the payment of claims under the provisions "f1T¤ue, No. 240.] of the so-called War Minerals Relief Act. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rezoresentatives of the Ag? M’“°'°" “°”°‘ United States of America in Congress assemb d, That, to enable u1éi;¤i;_gg_,$vm¤=¤ the Secretary of the Intemor to awfully pay adjudicated claims von} 40, of me arising under the provisions of the so—called War Minerals Relief •'°°”°°d· Act, entitled, “An Act to plrovide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war and fpr other purposes," approved March 2. 1919, as amended, the limitation in said Act on the a gmgate amount to be disbursed thereunder in the payment of said cgnims is hereby repealed. Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7.1924. __ _ CHAP. 328.-—~An Act To rovi for uart r , , '

 of the Indian Edd Service- p de q e s fuel and light for employees

Q Q , Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives o the giuiiitiiriiiiriliiiiil ec., United States of in Congress assembled, That the Secréary ’° ml °m¥"°¥°°° °‘· of the Ipterior, gn this dizcigetiorgemay allcilw quarters, fuel, and light o emp o ees o e ian rxnce w ose com ensation is not prescribed, by law, the salaries of such employees tg be fixed on this mma asis and the cost_ of providuig quarters, fuel, and light to be paid peg, ‘.,g.,,,m,.,, from any funds which are applicable and available therefor:_Pro·m,d€d, f·>*· ¤¤¤¤>"= · That this authorization sh be retroactive to the extent of a roving any expenditures for_ such purposes heretofore authorizeduliy the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, June 7, 1924.