36 S]XTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess.I. Ch. 81. 1924. H¤¤¤|¤€(7m'P°'¤*i*¤- tmrmn sums uousmc oonronarronr. ¤%vmmm hmm Government hotels, Washington, District of Columbia; or G'°““°""t' ground rent for squares 632, 681 and part of 680, m the District of Columbia., occupied by the Covernment hotels from and m- cluding November 15, 1922, as follows: Fiscal year 1923, $46,653; Fiscal year 1924, $74,315. V¤¢¤¤·¤¤’B*"°°“· Umrrnn STATES VETERANS, nunmm. miixmm isb; Vocational rehabilitation: For carrying out the_provisions of e¤Ee.5sexp°°§i$°ai:é,¤w. an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the vocational rehabiliuv ,;,‘Q_*’· 617* V"' tation and return to civil employment of disabled persons dis- 'p° charged from the military or naval forces of the United States, P .,,,_ and for other purposes," approved June 27, 1918, as amended, Amwwwwmtds fiscal year 1923 $900,000: Promded, That no part of the foreu°”‘ going sum shall be used for the establishment, maintenance, or operation of training schools at any Army campcor carétilonment a uired for use as a training center except amp erman u,L",'}*.§k_°“ °°mm° Ccldllicothe, Ohio :HPr0v·12led fénhther, That no part of tthe foregoing appropriation sha be expen e for construction wor except necessary repa1rs. Y · wiir1°?iti°vb& igilmig Hospital facilities and_ services: For further carrying out the °“§;,,,_,,,,,_496_ provisions pglthnil Ag ent1tledf“ 1AnUAct 3oSautho1_§71ze an appropriation to en e the irector o the United States eterans’ Bureau to provide for the construction of additional hospital facilities and to providtil medical, surgicaéir arig hpspital and supplies for persons w o served in the or ar the panish·American War the tPhi%ip}pinpI I11Sl:1I'I§Cl2I011,`?I1d the, goxer rgbellion, and are pai 1en s o the United States eterans ureau, a proved April 20, 1922 $5000000 for which the Director of the U)nited States Veterans’ Bureau, subject to the approval of the President was au- . . . . v vu.4z,p.s0·r. th01'1Z6d·t0_ incur obligations by an Act entitled "An Act making an _4'i};1B&0(§)I'§ltg;)8l; {pi; additicipal hospital facigt§zIs foplpalgggts of the 1 e erans ureau approve a , p‘g;¤;¤t¤ys§¤ ¤¤ P¤V¤*¤ Damiige claiglnsz To pay dclaiing fhg damaggs tdb or losses of nvate owne roperty a `uste an determined th U `ted v¤¤.n,p.1¤¤6. States Y`;eterans’ Bureau, under the rovisions of theyAct6 engtled “An Act to rovide a method for tbl; settlement of claims arising against the (government of the United States in sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case," aplproved December 28, 1922, as fully set forth in House Document umbered 183, reported to Congress at its present session, $626.16. D*=¤i°*°‘°°'“’¤****` DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. E’°°°“"° °m°°· nxncurivn orrrca. “;x¤m¤¤¤z*¤¤` P°°*°"* Plumbing inspection division: For temporary employment of additional mspectors of plumbing and laborers for such time as their services may be necessary, $2,000. R°¤‘°°"”“’*“°"· nam commission. $'},'I‘f‘i,°_§“,'§T*‘§g8‘P°"°“, mj Rent 'Commission, District of Columbia: For salaries and ex-
- 2-PP-2°°·5·“*· penses authorized by section 103, Title II, of the Food Control and
the District of Columbia Rents Act, approved October 22, 1919, as amended by the Act approved August 24, 1921, extending the Rent