640 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 331. 1924. °,1;*}{*{*§g;’;!;*t°¥:,’3§g Sec. 13. That as to all lands within the exterior boundaries of any Pueblo mmm, npt lands granted or confirmed to the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, by m any authority of the United States of America or any prior sover-
- f;;°;grb;m§§§,"{‘;§§ eiinty, or accgluired by said Indians as a community by purchase or
gapcaécgrmmmmw 0 erwise an which have not been claimed for said Indians by Y • court proceedings then pendin or the findings and report of the board as herein provided, the Sgecretary of the Interior at any time after two years after the Hling of said reports of the board shall file Held notes and plat for each pueblo in the office of the surve or general of New Mexico at Santa Fe, New Mexico, showing the lands to Evhich tpellndisiln title has be(§:1¢ixtingi1§hed egs in tlsaiilu 1(pport set out, utexcu in there rom an caime yor or e iansincourt proceedings Ihen pending, and copies of said plat and Held notes certiHed by the surveyor general of New Mexico as true and correct ,,;f§,°°:,P’§§°§,,,°‘;'§§',}’,j copies shall be accepted in any court as competent and conclusive s¤ished,ac. evidence of the extinguishment of all the right, title, and interest of _ the Indians in and to the lands so described in said plat and Held ElQ§}},lf,°“‘,§‘§“·,g‘,§',f{ 2; notes and of any claim of the United States in or to the same. And ®£_c¤¤;1¤:Bn§¤mP,;¤1:;g“1:é the Secretary of the Interior within thirty days after the Indians’ mam, ot mmirnaam right to bring independent suits under this Act shall have expired, §’},‘$f"et§'f',,{,‘}”‘,i1,,1§§}E§1,{ shall cause notice to be published in some newspaper or newpapers by i¤d*¤¤~ of general circulation issued, if any there be, in the county_ wherein lie such lands claimed by non-Indian claimants, respectively, or wherein some part of such lands are situated, otherwise in some newspapg or newspapprés og general ciriculationkpublished pelatiilest to sucih an , once a wee or ve consecu ive wee , se ting o as near as may be (pl? nan}es cg] siichi non-Indlian claimanszpf largd hpldingg not c aime y or or e n ians as erein rovi wit a escri - tion of such several holdings, as shown by alsurvey of Pueblo Indisiin lands_ heretofore made under the direction of the Secretary of the IE‘§°“°*` at °°“’“‘°“.i"£“1'.i"¤f.‘ ” W ·'{°" ?`2iY°’§” °‘2 ” mile? V . U o erwisesown or_ ene yau oriyo e ecrea o e qzilrieiiltiveitiliglriilcfitiifzrtilg Interior, and requiring that ang person or persons claimrirng such §§c,°f "‘ °"°°°‘ °·" described parcel or parcels of lan or any part thereof, adversely to the apparent claunant or claimants so named as aforesaid, or their heirs or assigns, shall, on or before the thirtieth day after the last publication of such notice, Hle his or their adverse claim in the United States Land Office in the land district wherein such parcel or parcels of land are situate, in the nature of a contest, stating the character and basis of such adverse claim, and notice of such contestshall be served Fame to claimant upon the claimant or claimants named in the said notnce, in the same u.,,,,,.,,,,,,,t,,.s,i;u,,d_ manner as in cases of contest of homestead entries. If no such contest is instituted as aforesaid, the Secretary of the Interior shall issue to the claimant or_claimants, or their heirs or assiigns, a patent Ewing of mmm or %h§r certgicage of ltitgeffor thp yiaggefllog paixeli o land so de- ' scribe msai no ice; u i acon es e i s a roceed andbe lsearélegnd as;. oontplsts ofl homestepdhengries ii§eLhez3·dO§pd _ eci un er e ru es an regu a ions o e enera an ce B°“°°“ “"°”°“‘ pertinent thereto. _Upon such contest either party may claim the benefit of the provisions of section of this Act to the same extent as if he were a party to a suit to cgluet title brought under the provisions of this Act. and the success 1 party shall receive a patent or certificate of title for the land as to which he is successful in such proceeding. Any patent or certificate of title issued under the provisions of this Act shall have the effect only of a relinquishment by the Procedure H two. or United States of America and the said Indians. _§:‘;’;g*§ €·""’°’s** °‘¤l¤*· If &fi€1‘_SU€h notice more than one person or group of persons united in interest makes claim in such land office adverse to the claimant or claimants named in the said notice, or to any other person or group of persons who may have Hled such contest, each