Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/677

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646 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 337-339. 1924. J¤¤¤ 73924- CHAP. 337.-An Act For the abandonment of a portion of the present

 channel of the south branch of the Chicago River.

. . Whereas the cit of Chica o has requested a ermit of the Secretary

1glver'm~ of War to straighten %he south branch lbf the Chicago River

between West Polk Street and West Nineteenth Street in the city of Chicago as a art of a project which comprises the construction of a new channdl and the abandoment of the old channel between said West Polk Street and said West Nineteenth Street, as shown on drawings transmitted by the city of Chicago to the Secretary of War in connection with the aforesaid request for a permit and which are on a file in the office of the Secretary of War; and Whereas it is proposed to fill up and abandon a portion of the present channel of the south branch of the Chicagg River between said streets as soon as said new channel shall have en constructed: e it enaete thenate and 0use 0 epresentatives 0 the ’£herefore d 6 iw S H f R u·§:e`i°gi:m;i¢°§§°:zi:li United States of gélmerica in Uongress assembled, That as socicn as §‘§,,_S“°°”‘°°° mm the city of Chicago, or any other governmental agency or any corporation thereunto duly authorized by the Secretary of War, shall have constructed a new channel for the south branch of the Chicago River between West Polk Street and West Nineteenth Street in said city of Chicago, then, and in that event, so much of the present channel of the south branch of the Chicago River as shall be superseded and replaced by said new channel in accordance with the rmit of the Secretary of War shall be discontinued and abandoned? Approved, June 7. 1924. June 7,1924.

 CHAP. 388.—An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Board of

[P“b1‘°· 1"°·26°·] Supervisors of Hinds County, Mississippi, to construct a bridge across the Pearl River in the State of Mississippi. . Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the iiiiirtislgiixiy. mas, United States of Azinerica in Congress assembleid, 'llhrat the conseiit of my ""d‘°· J“’“°“‘ Congress is hereby granted to the Board of Su ervisors of Hinds County, Mississippi, to construct, maintain, and) operate a brid e and approaches thereto across the Pearl River, at a point suitabde ,Ans,mmOn_ to the interests of navigation, at the city of Jackson, State of vm. 34, p.s4. Mississippi, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable _,me¤dmm_ waters," approved March 23 1906. ` Src. 2. at the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7, 1924.

 mir. sae.-Au Act To ide rm- the ins 1 -

lP“m"`· °‘°·°'"·] ang around Fredericksburg ariiimgpotsylvania Co§x(i1i:ili)ci1us(;; zliiigitiiiiile fields m · Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives 0 the $g§§§§?§;?ui€..§§g United States of America in Congress assembled?) That a ccmmiésien comriusacs mma. is hereby created, to be composed of the following members, who C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ shall be appointed by the Secretary of War; (1) A commissioned officer of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army; (2) A veteran of the Civil War who served honorably in the milita forces of the United States; and ' 133) A veteran of the Civil War who served honorably in the military forces of the Confederate States of America.