Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/679

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648 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. S1·:ss.I. Ons. 342-2.45. 1924. tain, and operate a bridie and approaches thereto across the Peedee C0 I im River at a_ point suita le to the interests of navigation, at or v01.a4,p.s4. near a point known as Sava e Landing, South Carolina, in accordance with the provisions 0% the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters,” approved Amendmmt March 23, 1906. _ Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7, 1924.

 CHAP. 343.-An Act To grant the consent of Congress to the Cincinnati,

lP“b“°* N°‘ M'] New Orleans, and Texas Pacific Railway Company to construct, maintain and operate‘a bridge across the Cumberland River, in the county of Pulaski, State of Kentucky, near the town of Burnside. Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives 0 the ` ggizlrliniviahiiid Rilhiiiv United States og igmerica in Congress asseiiibled, That the coiisent 9y§§g°"‘§"R,,§€§;y of Congress is ereby granted to the Cincinnati New Orleans and g§:gmd§'y_ "”"¤°· Texas acific Railway Company, lessee of the Cincinnati Southern Railway, and to its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and ogerate a bridge and the approaches thereto, across the Cumberland iver at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in the Coumwm county of Pulaski, in the State of Kentucky, near the town of Burnv¤1.a4,p.s4.` side, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridgw over navigable waters," Amudmm approved March 23,_1906. _ ' Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7, 1924.

 CHAP. 344.—An Act Grantin the co n C n '

[P°bh°’ NL M`] maintenance, and operation by thi Denvdis;nizloitio0GgrI2i%1iddiOVi;7i;tg1?ii1sgis,15i·b(iiIii Company, its successors and assigns, of a line of railroad across the southwesterly portion of the Fort Logan Military Reservation in the State of Colorado .. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives 0 the

ciiiiiitm United States 0 f America in Congress assem£Zed,pThat the Secrgtary

srziiiigi °i>`$ii$e?°r$iSd of WVar is hereby authorized to grant to the Denver and Rio Grande §j1gk§;{,¤¤g,¤})gI1If‘;1gg*¢*¤ Western Railroad Company, a corporation or anized imder the laws ` of the State of Delaware, its successors and assigns, a permit to locate, construct, maintain, and operate a line of railroad across the southwesterly portion of the Fort Logan Military Reservation in the State of Colorado upon such location and under such regulations and Ammdmmh conditions as shall be approved by the Secretary of lVar. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is herebv ` expressly reserved. " Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7. 1924.

 5Sg§;1>. 345.-—An Act For the protection of the northern Pacific halibut
 B _ Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re entatives 0

ifiiuiiriilirin Puma Hal United States of in Congress assem{led,P"8 f gw T*"° °‘ A°‘· Section 1. Snonr TrrLE.——-Tlziis Act may be cited as the Northern Tm], dem,,,d_ Pacific Halibut Act. Sec. 2. Dnrmrriou or ·rmms.—For the purposes of this Act " close season" shall mean the period from the 16th day of