SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 358, 359. 1924. 661 and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Columbia River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Vantage Ferry, Washinggon, and along the route of and continuous with the North Central `ghwa as officially designated by the State _ highway commissioner of the State of Washington, in accordance $§{{S§§Yff‘§§‘ with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March 23, 1906. . Sec. 2. The State of Washin ton, or any olitical subdivision or m:;§§qI§§E,€§§h'}g,§{§jj subdivisions thereof, within or adjoining which said bridge is located, %d°g°*°*i¤¤ *5 ° **0* may at any time acquire all right, title, and interest in said bridge and g ` the approaches thereto constructed under the authority of this Act, for the tpurpose of maintaining and operating such brid e as a free bridge, y the payment to the owners of the reasonable vague thereof, _ not to exceed in any event the construction cost thereof: Prowkied, q‘€§'{§'§'j;,,w,,d;,,, §vg That the said State or political subdivision may o crate such bridge FWS- E a tpll bridge not to exceed five years from disite of acquisition ereo . Sec. 3. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby "`m°°dm°°t' expressly reserve . Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7,1924. cnn. see.-An Act To amend section es of me Judicial code. Be it enacted by the Semte and H ouse of Representatives of the Umm stm, ,,,,,1,,,, United States 0{ America in Congress assembled, That Section 98 °dV°*·**·P-5°2·°'¤°¤d· of an Act entitled "An Act to codifgi revise, and amend the laws · 1‘6l=lt1ng to the judiciary," approved arch 3, 1911, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: Norm Cmum ,u_ f‘ Sec. 98. The State of North Carolina is divided into two dis- mem emma. tricts, to be known as the eastern and western districts of North Emu Carolina. The eastern district shall include the territory embraced ` on the 1st day of Jul , 1910, in the counties of Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick Camden, Chatham, Cumberland, Currituck, Craven, Columbus, Chowan, Carteret, Dare, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Greene, Halifax, Harnett, Hertford, Hyde, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lee, Martin, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank Pender, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Robeson, Richmond, Sampson, Scotland, Tyrrell, Vance Wake, Warren, Washington, Wayne, and Wilson. T Terms of the district court for the eastern district shall be held at °°-ms' Fayetteville on the Monday before the last Mondays in March and September; at Wilson on the first Mondays in April and October; at Elizabeth City on the second Mondays in April and October; at Washington on the third Mondays in April and October; at Newbem on the fourth Mondays in April and October; at Wilmington on the second Monday after the fourth Mondays in April and October; and at Raleigh on the fourth Monday after the fourth Mondays in April and October; and in addition for the trial of _ Civil cases on the first Mondays in March and Se tember: Pro/vided, .t puma That the city of Fayetteville and the city of Wigon shall each pro- '*“° °"‘* w“’“"· vide and furnish at its own expense a suitable and convenient p ace for holding the district court at Fayetteville and at Wilson imtil a mak courthouse shall be constructed by the United States. The clerk ° ` of the court for the eastern district shall maintain an office in charge Oflnmself or a deputy at Raleigh, at Wilmington, at Newbern, at - Elizabeth City, at Washington, at Fayetteville, and at Wilson, which 311%]} blpdkept open at all times for the transaction of the business of e co