664 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 364-366. 1924. construct and maintain a bridge and approaches thereto across the Chattahoochee River, at a int suitable to the interests of Ummm navigation, at or near Alaga, Alabama, connecting Houston County, v¤1.se.x».84. Alabama, and Early County, Georgia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to regiigate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved arch 23, 1906. ‘“‘°°°'”°”°‘ Sec. 2. That thel right to alter, amend, or repeal this Acfis hereby expressly reserve . Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7,1924.
GEL?. 365.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Delaware
[P¤b”°· N°-W-l Egway Department to construct a bridge across the canal near Rehoware R,,,,,,,,,, Be it enacted the Senate and House of Re esentat·i·ves of the wm Bm im United States of in Congress assembZed,PrThat the consent °°§‘>‘l;;,w.,. mu of Congress is hereby granted to the Delaware State Hi hwa . . g . Y %{¤°· °* B°'*°b°*'*· Department and its successors and assigns, to construct, maintam an operate a bridge and the approaches thereto across the canal between Rehoboth Bay and the Delaware Bay, being a art of an inland waterway, artly natural and partly artiiiciaii from Chincoteague Bay to Delaware Bay, at a gloint suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Rehobot , in the county of Cm,,m,,m_ Sussex, in the State of Delaware, in accordance with the provisions von. se.p.se. of the Act entitled, "An Act to regulate the construction of brid es {§,",‘§°’,g,;,;,,,,, céyer navigablefvgptersjil approvedhMarc1h 23, 1936: Proo·ided,dT§at e t 0 aris ere authorize u on therecommen ation of the Chiexiyof Engineers, Urliited States Aigny, to grant permission to the said Delaware State Highway Department, its successors and assigns, under such terms and conditions as the said Secretary may deem eguitable and fair to the [public, to cross and occupy inc public s;.ndshpe1gment todthe mtgd Stgates Canal as may
,,,,, enecess orte ri can a roaces ereto.
f Sec. 2.m'l§1at the righligto alter,PIaimend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 7, 1924. June 7,1924.
cm?. see.-Au Act Grautin the consent or Co
[P“°"°·N°·m·l Companyi, of Saint Jo, Texas, a gorporation organizgfriifdbg ticking Ilxswtsh gets: ¥&?ltgigfB§1z:las,Tt;<;{:.onstmct a toll bridge across the Red River in the vicinity of Red Rm, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Nena Texas com- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Y{‘f§,¥,¤’}',*;{d,*?;¥`§{*'°· consent of Congress is hereby granted to the North Texas Company, of Saint Jo, Texas, to construct a bridge across the Red River in the vicinity of Illinois Bend, Texas, under specifications complying with all laws, rules, and regulations governing such, and their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Red River at a point suitable to C Mmmm the interests of navigation, at or near Illinois Bend, Texas, in the viii. zu, p. s4.' county of Montague, in the State of Texas, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to re late the construction Amendment. of bridges over navigable waters," approved Igarch 23, 1906. Src. That th; right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, June 7, 1924.