SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 39 funds transferred from the War Department to the Department of Agriculture. General expenses, Office of Experiment Stations: For necessary t" h expenses to repair damage by typhoon to buildings, fences, and so damgigiéllng W mu égrth, of the agricultural experiment station on the island of Guam, ,500. - ronnsr smzvrcn. F°'°st S°"‘°°‘ General expenses: For lighting and preventing forest fires, i;$%l3E‘§{g f°’°st°'°s‘ $55,000: Provided, That not to exceed $6,000 of this amount shall G,E,{f,b{,*;u;"0‘;f°{,*m;“° be used in meeting an emer ency caused by insects on the Kaibab ` National Forest and in the érand Canyon National Park. _ _ Insect infestations: The appropriation of $150,000 provided by omh§°$»itmi°mc£°$£I the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1922, approved ,,b*§fP’°P““"i°“ “““‘ December 15, 1921, and continued available through the calendar ;:ié42»{>31%331»115¢· year ending December 31, 1923, by the Second Deficiency Appro- ’p’ _ priation Act, approved January 22, 1923, for the prevention of oss of timber from insect infestations on public lands in Oregon and California, shall remain available until December 31, 1924. Omg0n_C8,,,0m,8 Protection of the so-called Oregon and California railroad lands and ¤¤i1_Lx¤¤d1¤¤dSi¤t¤- Coos Bay wagon road lands: To enable the Secretary of Agricul- ¤:r§$»°a£Z?ii°°t1°u’°°°" ture to establish and maintain a patrol to prevent trespass and to V°'·3°·P·”8· ard against and check Hres upon the land revested in the United com B W Sliates by the Act approved June 9, 1916, and the lands known as nwimaaw °g°° the Coos Bay wagon road lands involved in the case of Southern Oregon Company against United States (Numbered 2711) in the Circuit Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit, $11,900. nmznau or iwmuonocv. mmm Bm"' Preventing spread of moths: To enable the Secretary of Agri- giep}°Z¤u}u$;ih:§¤mm. culture to meet the emergency caused by the continued spread of the gipsy moth b conducting field control operations in the New England States, New York, and New Jersey, in cooperation with the States concerned, including the employment of persons and means in the cit of Washington and elsew ere and all other necessary expenses, g70,000. Burman or Aomcnmwman nconomcs. i¤"€l¤§°$I.¤°`i”`lE°°°°°` Enforcement of the United States Cotton Standards Act: To ii:°$¤§ii°`i.§‘i°i»rii°A°‘ enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into efect the pro- v°‘·“·P·‘°"· visions of the United States Cotton Standards Act, including the payment of such rent outside of the District of Columbia and the employment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessarily) in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $25,550: Provided, at any moneys received from or Qymwygm in connection with the sale of cotton now on hand or purchased '*‘°°·°*°· for the preparation of any official cotton standards and condemned, or from the sale of cotton standards prepared from cotton now ‘ on hand or purchased, may be used as authorized by section 6 of said Act. www Ac, Administration of the United States Warehouse Act: To enable Admmasmuoifee. the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the provisions ,,Y,§‘};§’g_P‘ *86* V°" of the United States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916, as amended by the Act of February 23, 1923, including the payment of such rent outside of the District of Columbia and the employment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $10,000.