Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/705

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674 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. E¤¤¤¤¤v¤ 0¤¤¤¤- EXECUTIVE OFFICE W¤i¢¤ Hm ¤<>¤¢=¤- wurrn Housn romon miiddi**¤¤=·* Wm- For additional personnel in accordance with the Act approved An!e,p. 115. May 27, 1924: Sergeant, $2,400; five privates at $2,100 each; in all, fiscal year 1925, $12,900. _ _ _ _ U¤1n»-masse. For uniforming and equipping the Wh1t8 House police, including the purchase and issue of revolvers and ammunition, fiscal year 1925, $600. M‘§,T,‘§§i,°§,‘§ Com? AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS COMISHSSION $1011. ,,,§,Q’°°' "°l“°`° °“°"` The appro riation of $95,750 made for the expenses of the Ameri- ¤***¢·P·°5- can Battle Monuments Commission by the Act of April 2, 1924, Public Numbered 66, Sixty-eighth Congress, is hereby made available for the maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-propelled pa$enger—carryi.u& vehicle that may be furnished by the Secretary of War for the o cial use of the said commission in foreign countries. D*S*'i°* °‘C°‘“‘“b"’· DISTRICT OF COLUBIBIA Gnwnmu. Exrmwsms R¤¤=C¤¤¤¤=*¤¤i¤¤· nam commission ggl¤rj;¤.¤%8 For salaries and expenses authorized by section 103, Title II, of v¤1§_4z§p;3p.¤in¤,s44. the Food Control and the District of Columbia Rents Act, ap- ‘""‘·¥’·”°· proved October 22, 1919, as amended by the Act approved August 24, 1921, extending the Rent Commission until May 22, 1922, and the Act approved May 22, 1922, extending the said commission until May 22, 1924, and the Act approved May 17, 1924, extending the said commission until May 22, 1925, $45,000, including postage on _ official mail matter, street-car transportation, and daily newspapers: §’g§{’§d°g;,,,,b,,_ Provided, That the amount herein appropriated shall cover salaries and expenses for the period beginning with May 23, 1924, and end- Seggjzggégeveytow ing with May 22, 1925: Provided further, That no part of this sum v¤1.4i,p.2s§9. shall be used for the payment of additional compensation to the assessor of the District of Columbia after June 30, 1924. Cg1h ;i¤¤ii¤¢ wd The accounting officers of the District of Columbia are authorized Paymaim. to pay to J. C. Harding and Company the sum of $96.95 from the appropriation for the Rent Commission, District of Columbia (no fiscal year), for furnishing and installing electric bells, push buttons, and buzzers in new quarters assigned to the Rent Commission, said work having been done without competition as required by law. C°¤°‘¤¤°¤*°’P°”’°°· CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS Exrnivsns J¤di<=i¤' *¤1·¤¤¤¢¤· For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, the printing of briefs in the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, witness fees, and expert services in District cases before the Supreme Court of said District, fiscal year 1923, $3,955.92. idqgnising taxes in For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1922, as required °'ii§f36,p_2i_ to be given by the Act of March 19, 1890, to be reimbursed by a charge of 50 cents for each lot or piece of property advertised, fiscal year 1923, $937.81. m$;gg;1s_°'°”°¤¤°¤S To enable the commissioners, in any case where special assessments, school tuition charges, rents, fees, or collections of any character have been erroneously covered into the Treasury to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in the proportion