676 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. gymnasium, on a site to be purchased in the vicinity of, and to relieve, the Tenley School, $15,000. _ _ _ _ W*¤*tg*¤{**¤hu§°gg°I}é The requirement of law for the entire construction of or addition miiigmc ms C to any building to be awarded in one or a single contract, exclusive of heating, lighting, and plumbing, shall not apply to appropriations made for the remodeling and the construction of an addition to · the Western High School. _ _ m§%d”g "““‘““¤ For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds ` and for repairing and renewing heatmg, plumbing, and ventilating apparatus, and installation of sanitary drinking fountains in buildings not supplied with same, $25,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925. rem. IMZETROPOLITAN romon Additional for we- For an additional amount required for the payment of salaries "°§',,°g`p_ m_ and allowances of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police of 5*;;*-*;b,,dati on the District of Columbia, fiscal year 1925, $7 51,030: Pro»v£ded,_ That ermmmtsrormienes. this sum and the amoimts specifically appropriated in the District """·"‘“°‘ of Columbia Appropriation Act for the Hscal year 1925 for salaries and allowances of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police, other than the appropriation for personal services in accordance with the classification act of 1923, are authorized to be consolidated and used as one amount for the payment of salaries and allowances Ad¤i¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤v¤¢¢S· of officers and members at the rates authorized by law and including 165 rivates of class one in addition to the number of privates provided for in such appropriation Act. Firedcinrunent- FIRE DEPARTMENT xaaiaemi mi- sale- For an additional amoimt r uired for the payment of salaries 'i“°},§°,'f‘,,_ 1,, of officers and members of th:qFire De artment, fiscal year 1925, gfgfgblidmion $533,120; Provided, That this sum and) the amounts specihcally uameunzsrcrsaiaries. a propriated in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for "”"·"·“‘· tli)e fiscal year 1925 for salaries of officers and members of the Fire Department, other than the appropriation for personal services in accordance with the classification act of 1923, are authorized to be consolidated and used as one amount for the ayment of salaries of officers and members at the rates authorized Ey law and including Additional wm. six captains, six lieutenants, six ser eants, and ninety-seven privates of class one, in addition to the numbers provided for in such appropriation act.
‘° °°°°'°‘ For repairs to apparatus and motor vehicles and other motordriven apparatus, including the same objects specified under this
head in the District of Co umbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1924, $5,000. ¤¤¤¥¤¤ ¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤¤=· 1.=rsA1:r¤ nm·A1z·run1~:*r €;>:1;?§§)¤;r The limitation of $25,000 for personal services contained in the vox. 42,p. im. appropriation of $40,000 for prevention of conta `ous diseases Healt Department, fiscal year 1924, is hereby waiver? 7 Drainage arms. For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the "°‘·2"·*’·"·’· drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, a proved May 19, $g;¤;gspeei;f¤¤¤» 1896,_and an Act to p)rovide for the abatement ognuisances in the ' District of Columbia y the commissioners, and for other purposes, ggggoved April 14, 1906, $2,000, to remain available until Jime 30, C*°m¤¤¤'Y· For maintenance, including personal services, of the public crematory, fiscal year 1924, $1,000.