688 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. $49,115, which amount, together with $50,000 of the appropriation for roads, walks, wharves and drainage, iiscal year 1924, transferred ‘w"°‘m‘ from the War Department to the Department of Justice by the Act f,"u°g,{c°;m of May 31, 1923, shall remain available until June 30, 1925: Provided, ` That said bridge shall be open to use by the public under such rules mam, GL and regulations as prescribed by the Attorney General. _ _ msesuamm. Atlanta, Georgia: For miscellaneous expenditures, mcluding the same objects specified under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, in the Departments of State and Justice Appropriation Act for the fiscal years that follow: For 1923, $2,841.80; _ For 1924, $20,000. H°“p‘°"1‘ Atlanta, Georgia :.For hospital supplies, including the same objects specified under this head for the pemtentiary at Leavenworth, Kan- . sas, in the Departments of State and Justice Appropriation Act _ for the fiscal year 1923, $362.45. w1£§_N°‘1 I’1"‘“°’ McNeil Island, Washington: For clothing, transportation, and C‘“‘“°8·°*°· traveling expenses, including the same objects speci ed under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, in the Departments$of State and Justice Appropriation Act for the Hscal year _ 1924 2,000. S‘“"’°" °“’“’°"°“‘ Sripport of prisoners: For support of United States prisoners, includin necessary clothing and medical aid, discharge gratuities provider? by law, and so forth, including the same objects s iHed under this head in the appropriation acts and for the Hscagmyears that follow: For 1919, Sundry Civil, $4,383.75; For 1920, Sundry Civil, $3,672.25; For 1921, Sundry Civil, $6,400.50; For 1922, Sundry Civil, $6,275.62; For 1923, Departments of State and Justice, $37,107.80. b.’2°'°“'“°°“° °‘ “‘ DEPARTMENT or LABOR Immg”"°° Bum"' BUREAU or rMMmRAT1oN inA1i:1Ii,i}nt1§i(is1tn§§i’vi iii? _The amount which may be expended for personal services in the mfsg- M District of Columbia from the appropriation “Ex enses of Regupm,'§‘m5_ lating Immigration, 1925," is hereby increased fliom $50,000 to Chiidren’s Bureau. CHILDRENQS BUREAU b§§,§‘§,'“;Q{;,f,§é;,‘*’Q{; Promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy: iieglgji-p 17 For carrying out the provisions of section 3 of the Act entitled "An ’ ` Act to_ extend the provisions of certain laws to the Territory of HBW&11,,, approved March 10, 1924, fiscal year 1925, $12,079.96. i"°"’D"“""“°°‘· NAVY DEPARTMENT uJ},(if§K'?d F`T’“°°“”` Administrative expenses, World War Adjusted Compensation p,;Q_;'g**,§{$‘,g’;;;;,'jtmj,f; Act: For temporary personal services in the District of Columbia uwivr. in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, purchase, hire, exchange, and repair of typewriters, adding machines, and other mechanical devices, printing and binding, stationery, office supplies and equ1pment, transportation of things, and for other necessary Am prml contingent and miscellaneous expenses, to enable the Secretary of ' the_Navy to perform such duties as are required by the World War _ Adjusted Compensation Act of May 19, 1924, $450,000, to remain ggyéuppues from available until June 30, 1925: Provided, That the Secretary of the gggemifsuppxy com- Treasury IS authorized to issue to the Secretary of the Navy, without u,.,_°° °’ ““”p°'°”' charge, for temporary use such surplus oince supplies and equipment as may be under the control of the General Supply Committee.