SIXTY-EIGHTB CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. 69]. For the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar N§v§°§g*;*{g,{¤b¤¤d devices in the city of New York, inc uding the Borough of Brooklyn Bmokiyni Y an of the city of New York, including power, labor, and all other operating expenses, fiscal year 1924, $5,347.60. orrrcn or- rim srzoorm ASSISTANT rosrmssrnn onivmux. Pgsggggtgzzgwnt $4Fgg 0i&1and transportation by railroad routes, fiscal year 1924, R¤¤¤¤¤d*<>¤¤¤S- §ai.lway_Mail Service: For fifteen division superintendents, fifteen , Reiiwev Mei] Servassistant division superintendents, two assistant superintendents, one ciivaionsupernamcaaassistant superinten ent in charge of car construction, one hundred °“”’ °t°‘ and twenty-one chief clerks, one hundred and twenty-one assistant chief clerks, clerks in charge of sections in the offices of division superintendents, railway postal clerks, substitute railway postal clerks, joint employees, and laborers in the Railway Mail Service, fiscal year 1924, $550,000. For transportation of foreign mails by steamship, aircraft, or F°’°*¤m¤“-5- otherwise, iiscal year 1924, $297,541. For balances due foreign countries, fiscal year 1924, $900,000. m@°r,';s°fs d“° '°*°*¤¤
State Department.
General and Special Claims Commissions, United States and Mexico: For the expenses of the settlement and adjustment of claims Poet,;ip.1730, 1722. by the citizens of each country against the other under a convention concluded September 8, 1923, and of citizens of the United States agamst Mexico under a convention concluded September 10, 1923, between the United States and Mexico, includin the ex enses which, ‘m°‘°°°°°s' under the terms of the two conventions, are chargeable in part to the United States, the expenses of the two commissions, and the expenses of an agency of the United States to rform all necessary services in connection with the reparation oiwthe claims and the presenting thereof before the said) commissions, as well as defending the United States in cases presented under the general convention by Mexico, including salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and other assistants and employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, rent, law books and books of reference, printing and binding, contingent expenses, traveling and subsistence expenses, and suc other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the President . may deem proper, fiscal year, 1925, $171,930. mm, H ( mmigration of aliens: To enable the Department of State_ to nam, °” °° ° perform the duties devolvuig ugon it under the laws regulating m$°g,,“g’;‘{;,§§°,;PQ‘{,'j lmmigration of aliens into e nited States, mcludmglt e same m vbjects specified in the Acts making approgriations for the Depart- "" ‘ ment of State for the fiscal ear 1925, un er the heads of salaries and contin ent expenses in tile Department of State, printing and binding, salaries of the foreign-service officers, allowance for clerk hire at United States consulates, transportation of dgplomatic and consular officers and clerks, and contingent expenses, nited States Gtmsulates, $500,000, to continue available until June 30, 1925, of Swim in the my which not to exceed $35,000 shall be available for personal services ma. in the District of Columbia under the Classification Act of 1923. mmm . cm Salaries, foreign service officers: For comdpensation of foreign em. _ service officers for the fiscal year 1925, in ad ition to the amonnts _‘},?,':i°,':“§l6f’°" made available for that purpose by section 21 of the Act entitled "An Act for the reorganization and improvement of the foreign Service of the United States, and for other purposes," approved May 24, 1924, $450,000.