SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. 703 of this section to take over, through a legally organized water users’ association or irrigation district, the care, operation, and maintenance of all or any part of the project works, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, and thereafter the c,,;§§§D“;“¤°*°” by °”°‘ United States, in its relation to said project, shall deal with a water ` users’ association or irrigation district, and when the water users assume control of a project, the o eration and maintenance charges c,§§i§§f,"s,, ‘$§’°§} for the year then current shall line covered into the construction ¢<>¤¤¢¤¤¢¢i¤¤ renewaccount to be repaid as part of the construction repayments. mms` Sunsnc. H. That the penalty of 1 per centum per month against ,,];‘§,‘Q,“;§,’[,,gQ‘;'m(§*},“c‘;§1° delinquent accounts, provided in section 3 and section 6 of the Act l of August 13, 1914 (Thirty-eighth Statutes, page 686), is hereby ,,dV°l‘38·’·°“*‘m°"d' reduced to one—half of 1 per centum per month, as to all install- i ments which may hereafter become due. Nc, Proms from Stmsnc. I. That whenever the water users take over the care, op- www v¤¤¤¤. ew. eration, and maintenance of a project, or a division of a project, €i§§h;ii°iig§§ °°°s"°°` the_total accumulated net profits, as determined by the Secretary, derived from the operation of project power plants, leasing of project grazing and farm lands, and the sale or use of town sites shall be credited to the construction charge of the project, or a D_ _ division thereof, and thereafter the net profits from such sources pmii§fb`m°” °f °°° may be used by the water users to be credited annually, first, on account of project construction charge, second, on account of project · Operation and maintenance charge, and third, as the water users B¤¤*ri¤¤¤¤- may direct. No distribution to individual water users shall be made out of an such rofits before all obligations to the Government shall havellieen fully paid. Rmims mmsmlm Stmsnc. J. That all moneys or profits as determined by the Secre· water ¢¤ be credited to tary heretofore or hereafter derived from the sale or rental of '”$:f°g,6 p 925 Surplus water imder the Warren Act of February 21, 1911 (Thirty- ' ` sixth Statutes, page 925), or from the connection of a new project with an existing project shall be credited to the roject or division of the project to which the construction cost has li)een charged. sm-vey or en mig Stmsnc. K. That on each existing project where, in the opinion of §,§gf;$;‘,‘Qe{{Y;§sP§§f§§‘,§ the Secretary, it appears that on account of lack of fertility in the W wie ¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤<>¤ soil, an inadequate water supply, or other physical causes, settlers are °°§•Z xi ns. imable to pay construction costs, or whenever it appears that the oost of any reclamation project by reason of error or mistake or for ang cause has been apportioned or char ed upon a smaller area of lan than the total area of land under said project, the Secretary is author- R C 1Zed to undertake a comprehensive and detailed survey to ascertain °p°m° °°m$S' all pertinent facts, and report in each case the result of such survey mm to the Congress, with his recommendations: Pro/vided, That the cost Expense not energeand expense of each such survey shall be charged to the appropria- °*"°‘° "’°‘°’“’·°"· tion for the project on account of which the same is made, but shall not be charged as a part of the construction or operation and maintenance cost ayable by the water users under the project. 0 dj t ts an _ Sunsnc. li. That in an adjustment of water charges as provided unpiildu CKZZY eee., ln this section all due and? unpaid charges to the United States, both ;'§,‘}§,°u§,?;,°f,’,‘;§’“°“ °' on account of construction and on accoimt of operation and mainte- ' nance, including interest and penalties, shall be added in each case to the total obligation of the water user, and the new total thus estab- · lished shall then be the construction charge against the land in ~:»UBSec. . a eve en ryman or assignee on a proj arm ¤¤¤ · q°$ti°”‘ M Th t t · act f —"t?»'$p‘.’s'é.‘}2}.;§;'%‘ unit not yet patented which unit shall be found by the Secretary to :»i:€x'¤¤°¤i~:ii°ii: r be insufficient to support a family and pay water charges shall have the right upon a plication to exchange his entry for another farm {mit 0% unenteredp public land on the same or another project located hm "mlm 111 the same State, in which event all installmentsof construction canine. P ·15822°—25t——-47