SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 5. 1924. 707 inspectors, Indian Service, $2,000; for pay of judges, Indian courts, $13,660.80; for pay of Indian police, $79,012; for suppressing liquor tratlic among Indians, $3,060; and for Indian school and agency buildings, $1,300; in all, general expenses, $131,462.80. For expenses in probate matters: For determining heirs of de- 1’*°"·‘*‘°******°•¤*S· ceased Indian allottees, $13.580; and for probate attorneys, Five Civilized Tribes, $7,530; in all, $21,110. For surveying of Indian lands: For surveying and allotting In- S“"°"“"· dian reservations (reimbursable), $840; and for council for Pueblo Indians in New Mexico, $500; in all, $1,340. _ Industrial assistance and advancement: For industrial work and I“d‘“"‘“”°‘k‘ care of timber, $107,936. Development of water supply: For maintenance and operation of 13;*;* ¤'*PP’Y dmt water works, Papago Indian villages, Arizona, $480; for water su - im ` ply, Navajo and Hopi Indians, $900; and for water supply, Puebllo Indians, New Mexico, $300; in all, $1,680. _ _ _ Irrigation and drainage: For irrigation, Indian reservations (re- md d'°'°` imbursable), $27,850; for maintenance and operation, irrigation system, Pima Indian lands, Arizona (reimbursable), $1,200; for irrigation project, Gila River Reservation, Arizona (reimbursable) $2,160; for maintenance and operation irrigation system, Colora o River Reservation, Arizona (reimbursable), $1,840; for maintenance and operation, Ganado irrigation project, Navajo Reservation, Arizona (reimbursable), $300; for maintenance and operation, pumping plants, San Xavier Reservation, Arizona (reimbursable), $240; for nnprovement, maintenance, and operation, Fort Hall irrigation systems, Idaho (reimbursable), $3,380; for irrigation system, Fort Hall Reservation and ceded lands, Idaho, $12,080; for maintenance and operation, irrigation systems, Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana (reimbursable), $2,150; for irrigation systems, Flathead Reservation, Montana (reimbursableb $7,760; for irrigation systems, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana (reimbursable), $4,020; for improvement, maintenance, and operation, irrigation systems, Crow Reservation, Montana (reimbursable), $5,340; for im rovement, maintenance, and operation, Hogback irrigation project, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico (reimbursable), $1,180; for proceeds of Uintah and White River Ute lands, Utah, $6,120; for maintenance and operation, Toppen_1sh·Simcoe irrigation system, Yakima Reservation, Washington (reimbursable), $240; for maintenance and operation, Ahtanum irrigation system, Yakima Reservation, Washington (reimbursable), $480: for diversion dam and distribution and drainage system, Yakima Reservation, Washinéfon (reimbursable), $1,600; for maintenance, irrigation system, apato project, special fund, Act of August 30, 1914, $5,880; for Satus irri tion project, Yakima Reser· Vution, Washington (reimbursable), $8,180; for irrigation system, Wind River Diminished Reservation, Wyoming (reimbursable), $1,560; for maintenance, irrigation system, Wind River Dunimshed Reservation, Wyoming, special fund, $6,220; and for the diversion dlliilig, Gila River Reservatioré, Arizgna (reimbursable), $6,070; in ”· a Irrigation and draina , 105,85 . _ . , , Education: For suppogri, Indian schools, $393,423; for_ Indian mmm schools, as follows: Fort Mojave, Arizona, $11,280; Phoenix, Ari- Z0¤3» $24,750; Truxton Canyon, Arizona, $4,980; Theodore Roosevelt School, Fort Apache, Arizona, $16,980; Riverside, California, $28,330; Fort Bidwell, California, $4,580; Lawrence, Kansas, $33,- 930; Mount Pleasant, Michigan, $17,750; Pipestone, Minnesota, $10,270; Genoa, Nebraska, $14,950; Carson City, Nevada, $15,430; Albuqper ue, New Mexico, $21,695; Santa Fe, New Mexico, $16,970; Chero ee?Nor·th Carolina, $12,560; Bismarck, North Dakota, $5 080; Fort Totten, North Dakota, $18,100; Wahpeton, North Dakota,