SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 9. 1924. 715 Sec. 13. That the members of the said board shall be reimbursed ,m·}$r*;*1d ·¤¤¢¤S<¤ *°· the amount of actual expenses incurred in the performance of their ° duties under this Act, subject to the approval of said board. _ Sno, 14. That any person wishing to practice architecture in the b0’f,,$,‘§,;,‘},§,$,§({’,,§{‘,;$ District of Columbia under title of architect shall, before being *'¤¤¤W¤<> ¤¤¤¢¢i<>¢· entitled to be or be known as an architect, secure from such board a certificate of qualifications to practice under the title of architect, as provided by this Act. q _ Sm, 15. That any person having a certificate pursuant to the T’“°g"’““‘°ld°”· requirements of this Act may be styled or known as an architect or registered architect. _ _ Sno, 16. That no erson presumed to have the right to secure such t,,U{‘,‘2,§§§"’,,§“§§`$ certificate because of) his or her use of the title architect prior to the °8*°·°*°- time this Act goes into effect shall assume any title indicating that he or she is an architect, or any words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using them is an architect, unless he or she shall have qualified and obtained a certificate of registration as an architect, or unless he or she shall have filed an affidavit establishing the fact that he or she was in practice as an architect previous to the passage of this Act and has a legal right to practice without a Emhmcmberofmm certificate. Each member of a firm or corporation practicing ¤¢¤-·¢¤¤>¤r¤:i¤¢¤r¤d- ’ architecture shall be registered before being entitled to be known as or to style themselves architects or registered architects. E I . W Sec. 17. That nothing contained in this Act shall prevent the meuxiuhiirieliliiizsniriliiifu. draftsmen, students, clerks of work, superintendents, and other §f§;;,,,,,"§§°' §,‘f,§l"‘°',.’}* employees of those lawfull practicing as registered architects under S¤i¤’¤>¤- the provisions of this Act fiom acting under the instruction, control or supervision of their employers, or to prevent the employment of superintendents of the construction, enlargement, or alteration of buildings or any appurtenance thereto, or prevent such superintendent from acting under the immediate personal supervision of the registered architect by whom the lans and specifications of any such building, enlargement, or aligeration were prepared. Nor p,I,;‘{,’,*"p',§$‘{;;i,l{Kd‘]th' shall anything contained in this Act prevent persons, engineers, mechanics, or builders from making plans, specifications for, or Supervising the erection, enlargement, or alteration of buildings or Pm,. any appurtenance thereto: Provided, That the plans and specifi- rms gimham me cations for such construction are signed by the authors thereof ‘° *’°“""’· with their true appellation. without the use in any form of the title " architect " or " architects? Bundhm domed Sec. 18. That a building, for the purposes of this Act, is any ` structure consisting of foundation, floors, walls, columns, girders, and roof, or a combination of any number of these parts, with or without other parts or appurtenances. Sec. 19. That any properly qualified person who shall have been i¤IQ$c'Z§‘§§,i‘§ZQ‘}{‘,§*}“¥,°; Mtllall engaged in the practice of architecture in the District of §g°;‘“°f;°,;§{gg§ "m" Columbia at the time this Act takes effect may be granted a certificate of re `stration without examination on condition that the applicant shrill submit satisfactory evidence to the said board that he is qualified to practice architecture and by payment to the board of_ fee for certificate of registration as prescribed in section 24 of this Act: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall prevent any cqngmtsutswmmuz P€l‘S0n who was actually engaged in the practice of architecture °°"“°“‘°·°‘°· under the title of architect prior to the time this Act takes effect from continuing the practice of said profession without a certificate of registration and without the use in any form of the title " registered architect? Qwmmbu of sp, Sm. 20. That any citizen of the United States or any person who piuuamssmwu. has declared his (or her) intention of becoming such citizen, being