SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 74, 75. 1925. 739 CHAP. 74.-An Act Providing for the ac uirement by the United States of J¤¤¤¤ry12. l%5· rivutely owned lands within Taos County, (blew Mexico, known as the Santa [W mm gubam grunt, by exchanging therefor timber, or lands and timber, within the IP“u'°· N°·31°·] exterior boundaries of any national forest situated within the State of New Mexico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongreas assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized in his discretion ta Bvbm mm, N. to accept 011 behalf of the United States title to all or any part 2;°§‘,§i.?Q,’;,,b§yf’°°°p°°° of privatel owned lands, situated within the Santa, Barbara grant, located witiin the county of Taos? State of New Mexico, if 111 the opinion of the Secreta of Agnculture public interests will be benefited thereby, and bbe lands are chiefly valuable for national _ forest purposes, and in exchange therefor the Secretary of ‘*§'; Agriculture may authorize the grantor to cut and remove an equal c1¤¤¤z¤. value of timber within the national forests of the same Statethe values in each case to be determined by the Secretary of Agriculture and acceptable to the grantor as a fair compensation. Timber `ven in exchange shall be cut and removed under the __ laws auclgl regulations relating to the national forests, and under u,?,§‘”,‘§Y;"‘¥§‘m§{.,,°“§§ the direction and supervision and in accordance with the “'“"°'· reguirements of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1-:0. 2. That lands offered for exchange herermder and not h;gS°§;;gg•**°¤ of covered by public land surveys shall be identified by metes and ` boxmds surveys and that such surveys and the lets and field notes thereof shall be made by employees of the llbited States Forest Service and approied by the United States Surve or General. Sm. 3. That any lands conveyed to the United gbatw under the ,.,£'i§‘:'5§,'§°'}§Ls$;“' provisions of this Act shall, upon acceptance of the conveyance thereof, become and be a part of Carson National Forest. Sm. 4. That before any exchange of lands for timber as above pc-g°*Qi'g;f:%°* 1*** provided is effected, notice of such exchange proposal, describing ' the lands involved therein, shall be published once each week for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation in the county in which such lands so to be conveyed to the United States are situated. Approved, January 12, 1925. CHAP. 75.-—An Act To establish an Alaska Game Commission to protect J l8·¤5%llm° Slme animals, lend fur-bearing gnimels, and birds, in Alaska, and for other |!’¤b1¥¢·N¤-311-I Pm'P0¤€8· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States og America in O ress assembled, That this Act "“"° °““° L“"· shall be known y the short titleoblg the “Alaska Game Law." Sec. 2. Dmwmmcms.-That for the purposes of this Act the T°"“ °°“"“""· following shall be construed, respectively, to mean: __ _ __ Commission: The Alaska Game Commission: _ Terribo : Territory of Alaska. _ Person :%`he plural or the singular, as the case demands, including P°”°“ individuals, associations, partnerships, and corporations, unless the context otherwise requires. · Take: Taking, pursuing, disturbing, hunting, capturing, trapping, “'*`*“" OF killing game animals, land fur·bee.ring animals, game or nougame b1I'dS, attempti to take, pursue, disturb, hunt, capture, trap, or such animals ogiirds, or setting or using a net, tmp, or other devme for taking them, or collecting the nests or egg of such birds, tbe context otherwise requires. Whenever e takini of ammgls, buds or nests or eggs of bxrds is permitted, reference is ad to takmg by lawful menus and in lawful manner.