SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 75. 1925. 743 detailed report to him covering the administration of the law, including all expenditures and other operations for the preceding fiscal year, and such estimates shall be subject to revision by him. Sec. 8. TAKING or ANULIALS AND mans RESTRI(7IED.—Th3t, unless m§,`S°§§c“€n§$,§j, and except as permitted by this Act or by regulations made r¤i¢¤Y¤¤i»iwf¤1· pursuant to this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess, transport, sell, offer to sell, purchase, or offer to purchase any game animal, land fur-bearing animal, wild bird, or any parts ‘ thereof, or any nest or egg of any such bird, or, except under h0B,,§§°' md muskm regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, to molest, damage, or _ destroy beaver or muskrat houses: Provided, That nothing in this Sf§‘§,"’,§,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Act shall be construed to prevent the collection or exportation of *i°*g°Q;,§1”£;i”*°¤g,‘;*· animals, birds, parts thereof, or nests or eggs of birds for scientific glxwed. mg' " purposes, or of live animals, birds, or eggs of birds, for propagation or exhibition purposes, under a permit issued by the Secretary of A iculture and under such regulations as he may _ _ prescribe. Langrfur-bearing or game animals which escape from ,,tE?§2§’;§¥§dZ§‘§$°l°’ captivity, unless recaptured by their owners, and all fur and game animals hereafter introduced into Alaska are declared to be wild fur-bearing or game animals and shall be subject to the provisions of this Act. _ _ _ Sec. 9. Po1soN, Usa r12o1r1B1rm>.—That no person shall at any ,,,§°'S°“ '°“"°°‘°"’ time use any poison to kill any animal or bird protected by this Act or put out poison or a poisoned bait where any such animal M10 we d to demo? or bird may come in contact with it; but a game warden or wolves, em. predatory animal hunter employed by or under the direction of the commission may use poison to kill wolves, coyotes, or Wolverines, under such regulations as the commission may adopt; and no bi§'{§§_°° 1‘“°t°” ""` person shall sell or give any strychnine or other poison designated by the commission to any hunter or trap r, including native _ _ Indians or Eskimos who hunt or trap. bi); hunter or trapper, S§§$“§‘§: §§‘,§;,{§,‘§€2f including native Indians or Eskimos who hunt and trap, shall have any strychnine or other oison designated by the commission m his possession, and any sudh poison found in the possession of any such person shall be seized and disposed of in such manner as the commission may determine. Any person selling or otherwise q,§,‘,§§‘Z,i‘§},l,'§‘§,‘}','{,i'§§ disposing of any strychnine or any other poison designated by ¤°’°d ¥’°*’°¤· the commission shall keep a record in a special book showing the name and address of each person purchasing or otherwise procuring it and the kind and amount thereof, which record shall at all times be open to inspection b any game warden or other officer authorized to enforce this Act, and he shall transmit such information monthly to the commission. Src. 10. RncunAr1eNs.—That the Secretary of Agriculture, upon ,0§{§_{§°§*Q,’g,m'°§'§“,§;,T’g1_’, Consultation with or recommendation from the commission, is hereby ‘°b° P’°°°'*”°d· authorized and directed from time to time to determine when, to what extent, if at all, and by what means game animals, land furbearing animals. game birds, nongame birds, and nests or eggs of birds may be taken, possessed, transported, bought, or sold, and to adopt suitable regulations permitting and governing the same in accordance with such determinations, which regulations shall become Bfective ninet days after the date of publication thereof by the , S ,1 Nubian S€€1‘€tary of ggriculture; but no such regulation shall permit any Wm p person to take any female yearling or calf moose, any doe yearling or fawn deer, or any female or lamb mountain sheep except under permit for scientific, propagation, or educational purposes; or to USB any dog in taking game animals; or to sell the heads, hides, or horns of any game animals. except the hides of moose, caribou, deer, and mountain goat which the re lations may permit to be sold under such restrictions as the ggcretary may deem to be